Yellow leaves with black spots


Any help would be awesome!
She has been outside since mid May in a fabric
15 gal pot in Fox Farm Ocean Floor
Started bloom fertilizer on Monday and noticed leaves turning slightly yellow after about 2 days now this! The other girl is doing great. Not sure what to do. Thanks in advance!
OK 1st off welcome to the forum :bigjoint: now when you say started giving it bloom nutes what are you using?? Checking ph regularly?? Strain and weather conditions at the moment
Thanks! Lots of great advice on this site
I used FF Tiger Bloom
Water hasn’t been checked in about a month I have well water and it was 6.5 when I last checked. We did have a bunch of rain earlier in the week but the past few days have been great
83 degrees 44% humidity
It’s Maui Wowie. I have a LA Confidential out as well and she is doing extremely well. Same pot and soil
OK so your handwatering cool, so my suggestions to start 1st would be to find a container maybe a gallon minimum maybe even 2 gallons (5-10) ltrs fill it up with your well water and check ph before you add any nutes just to give you an idea what way your standard water is OK then add your nutes give it a very good mix to really blend everything in properly, then check the pH aim for it too be between 5.8-6.2 is your safe zone above or below that bracket you will have issues and if it is above or below you need to find hydroponics shop online or in person and buy a bottle of pH up and a bottle of pH down they come in 500ml all the way up to 5ltrs but I would only recommend the 500ml or max 1ltr it goes a long way and try pick up a dropper so you can have a lot of control over how much you use start off small few drops best to test the pH and use the up pr down according to your readings pH is of vital importance because if its not within that bracket you could lock out your plant meaning it will not use any of the nutrients your adding so keeping it in that bracket at all times will ensure the best usage of your nutrients and optimal growth (happy roots happy plant ) your markings on the leaves and why there turning yellow could be that the pH has shifted and need some attention so that's the task I would hit 1st best of luck need anything else shout me :bigjoint:
Nice 1 a good idea because it can help you rule out other problems aswel narrows these problems down and ensures good overall health and nutrient uptake..... short answer is you look after her now she will fix you up later :D