Yellow Tips in flowering stage but only one plant!? any ideas welcome :)


Hi guys :)

Im a newbie in need of advice! i cant work out why one of my plants has yellow tips on the top leaves. (see last 2 pics)

seems like heat stress or nitrogen problem from what info ive found but doesnt make sense it's just one plant?

im only feeding plain water. temp is 25-30degrees, with good air flow. soil ph test was neutral.

any ideas??

thank you!


Active Member
Hi guys :)

Im a newbie in need of advice! i cant work out why one of my plants has yellow tips on the top leaves. (see last 2 pics)

seems like heat stress or nitrogen problem from what info ive found but doesnt make sense it's just one plant?

im only feeding plain water. temp is 25-30degrees, with good air flow. soil ph test was neutral.

any ideas??

thank you!
Looks good, id lower the temp to around 18-24 though


Active Member
Looks like my early mistys :), and dont worry bro its all cool, and if you can lower the temp by a couple of degrees


Active Member
yeah everything looks good to me there doing exactly what mine r doing its got something to do wiv flowering how long flowering they look about 3-4 days into flower r all where new leaves r coming out going yellow to then thats wat it is why dont u try give it some nutes to


Active Member
u got some there look same strain as mine sept i have 6 different strains and i dont even know wat they r bongsmiliehow old were your plants when u put them to flower mine were 5 weeks now ther 5 days into flowering



Nice! lookin good :)

yeah they do look similar. I think i have one ak47 and one ak47 #2. cos one is short and fat and the other much taller, but both flowering beautifully :)

the 2nd pic is the big one on the left, i think thats ak47 #2, and the 4th pic is the right one, which is orange bud.

its complicated cos i put 2 ak47's in the garden for 2 wks, once they'd sprouted. then added 2 orange buds for 2 more wks, to get them all started.

So the ak47's flowered almost 2 wks ago and the orange bud is catching up quick :) they grow soooo quick under the light, its amazing! each day i have to squeal at the sight of them!

now the ak47s are 7 wks old and the orange bud 5 wks, but theyve only been under the light for 3-4wks. could i have made it any more complicated for myself!!??

how long is the flowering stage, and the budding stage? could i keep them in the wardrobe to dry out?

and how do i lower the temperature??

thanks for all the replies guys! greengirl ;)