yo fellow dudes - need help tracking down cheap nutrients in the uk...

Mr Dude

anyone know the cheapest place in the uk for "big bud" the additive for flowering? im using the sensi grow a+b for veg and the other sensi bloom a+b for flowering - heard alot about this big bud additive to add to the sensi flowering nutrient .

In the past i have found using miracle grow gave extremly large plants but the buds where not too potent and where rather whispy - or rather they had very little bulk , a shame really since the plants became of specimen proportions .

Im growing outside in soil, would go hydro but then the old police helicopter would probably spend alot of time over the roof so prefer the old fashioned method.

I have mixed 60/40 ie leaf mould soil with quality horse manure compost - to me this is a real ideal mix for top shelf plants , but i want to make sure the yeilds are what im after this time round , im growing a strain called "cheese" extremely smelly skunk , and pritty potent...

all the best and any help would be great.

thanks for your time guys/ girls

Mr dude


New Member
Growell is our cheapest, just use google. and ive been growing for years in my loft and a cupboard with choppers going over daily due to where i live, and never had a pull, it only shows up if your running a farm, best of luck to you, outdoor in the uk, never tried it due to the weather being so up and down, watch for the rabbits they'l have your leaves.