"You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"


New Member
there's another gay reference..

here's a test that i've devised just for you, med. don't worry, it won't get too personal, just be yourself.

what makes business work?

A. People
B. Marshmallows
C. Various types of furniture

what makes government work?

A. Laws that are crafted by overpaid elected officials and enforced by overpaid para-military police with unmatched firepower
B. Concern for people and families
C. Solar power

if you are right and the republican party is for business and people make business work, how do the dems short circuit the system and also work for people if they don't work for business? do they have their own type of business that no one but them is privy to? i think you can see where the logic goes med... the dems want to take the liberty to produce and earn away from people. they think we can't handle it, med. they think we're pathetic animals and they want to put us in a cage of regulation, taxation and litigation. it's not a matter of being for people or being for business, the two things go together. the issue is who you want setting your priorities and deciding what your possibilities are - the government or yourself.

I like as little of government in my private life as possible, BUT, government has a role to play. My opinion is that government is better at some things than the private sector, such as running the military and social services. I think a single payer medical plan would eliminate the greed in the private sector and maybe the health system could concentrate on health instead of profit. I don't understand your opposition to single payer. Yeah the government is a huge bureaucracy, and some what innefficient at some things, congress comes to mind, but my SS checks come right on time, and my VA healthcare is second to none. I say VA healthcare for everyone. get rid of HMOs and Medical insurance companies. The CEOs salaries alone could fund health care for a few million people, ~LOL~. BTW, there was no logic to your post, so I ignored the ignorance.