young plant, yellowing from bottom up


Active Member
this is bound to be answered but i keep looking atplants that don't look like mine so figured it's worth a venture

tiny plant, first grow. only 3rd set of leaves up and the bottom ones are turning yellow. it seems to be happening from the bottom leaves toward the top, from the stem towards the tips

so i think- overwatering
today brown spots starting on leaves. dying or nutrient issue?

have used SuperThrive once, nutrients today first time

if this is answered a million times, you may stomp on me
but send me the link, would ya?


Active Member
It is to my understanding that the bottom leaves usually do eventually turn yellow and shrivel up and eventually fall off.


Active Member
True but if you have a young tiny plant no leaves should be coming off..i would stay away from the thrive and use only water..
Use the thrive when your plant matures a bit..only water when the dirt is crusty