
  1. E

    Bio bizz making soil acidic

    What’s up guys! I recently switched from coco and salts back to bio bizz in soil. I have been having some issues with the root zone. My Feed going in is 6.5ph but coming out is 5.2-5.9 I am getting burnt tips, twisted growth and nutrient deficiencies! Any idea what could be causing this? This...
  2. U

    Soil very acidic near stalk but normal everywhere else.

    The soil in this pot is very acidic around the rootball/stalk area, like a 4 on the scale, but the soil on the outside of the pot is all testing within normal ranges. My plants seem to be showing signs of nutrient burn and/or lockout. I believe I overfed my plants with liquid nutrients that...
  3. B

    Happy frog run off PH very low, never fed plants

    Title says it all.. planted seeds into happy frog.. plants look OK 2 are fine 3 are ok showing different issues. But I have NEVER fed anything to these plants... just water... I always phd it at 6.5 and before I even planted the seeds I watered the soil heavy to try and lose some nutes.. what...
  4. C

    Adjusting soil ph after planting

    I started my clones in fox farm happy frog potting soil with peat moss and perlite. I recently learned peat is acidic. I started flowering yesterday, and they've been under 24 hours of light in red solo cups, 6 days in their final home, 2 gallon containers. It's basic potting soil from the...
  5. Growillanugs

    P.H Questions, Like how does nutrients affect P.H

    So my filtered tap water is PH'D at 6.5-7 And when i add 1.5 ML of general hydroponics micro flora it goes to 7 So I've been testing the run off and the past couple of waters runoff been 5.5 - 6 So im wondering does nutrients make the soil acidic over time? and what can i do to raise this...