
  1. mikaroni

    How to get rid of algae growing on medium

    Hey everyone! So, I've had a little bit of algae growing on the surface of the soil of my random plants in my grow room. I didn't really think much of it since it hasn't affected my cannabis plants yet. But today, I noticed that there is now algae growing in my cannabis plants soil now on the...
  2. T

    Persistent Brown Algae Infection, Please Help

    Hi everyone. At my end battling a bad brown algae infection. Let me give you some set up info. Running a top drip Wilma system, net pot lids on buckets with clay pellets and roots suspended in air underneath feeding 10 mins every hour. Luckily this means my roots are still currently white. I...
  3. xIPhobiaIx

    Is this Algae? I cannot tell.

    What is this? Also in the pictures is the nutrients we use.
  4. Mr.Miguardi

    White foam in res and ph rising

    Hi! I am a newbie grower from Italy and i am growing some hemp seed (no thc in italy for now :() in rockwool and i am running a RDWC Growrilla system 4 bucket + 1 Res for a total of 75L using Atami B'Cuzz nutrient following the official chart from atami website. The 4 bucket have an air stone in...
  5. Tolerance Break

    How to use bennies+myco in ebb and flow?

    What a fucking week it has been... I started flower on my first grow this past monday (7/26/21) 2 blueberry and 1 white widow in ebb and flow under GLS 300 LED lights w/ Jacks bloom formula and 1 airstone in a 17 gallon reservoir (RO water) I made 2 huge rookie mistakes. I over watered the...
  6. kratosxxl

    House and Garden line with Hydroguard question

    Hi everyone Just wondering if anyone used Hydroguard or SAG with H&G entire line in dwc , any issues ? bacteria bloom etc ? When i contacted them they said keep ur res at 65-66 no need to add anything due to Root excelurator has lot of bacteria in it . The problem is i have 16 bucket rdwc...
  7. E

    How do you get rid of green algae?

    Hello people, I’m growing in coco+perlite 70:30, I’ve noticed today there’s green algae growing on the top layer of the coco. For now I’ve placed foil paper on top of it to prevent the affected parts of coco from getting any light as green algae needs light to grow I’ve heard. Can I just remove...
  8. Doncarloss

    Bacteria culture or algae?

    I have a small res.(5 gal) and I found this around the air stone and it has a very slimy texture to it. Looks like it’s bad for the plants, or am I just over worried??
  9. Blent

    Brown algae concern.

    What up Ganga gang.. This is my first go at DWC, I feel as well studied as I can be on it without actually getting in there and making my own mistakes... I have a feminised Chocoloco that was root bound for a week in a 3 inch pot with a small amount of soil but mostly clay balls... I was...
  10. I

    Algae prevention alternative to coco covers?

    The coco covers are pretty pricey at over $1 apiece. Anyone use any alternatives? This would be for hand-watering rockwool, so the water does need to make its way through the cover..