
  1. B

    Vermiculite as a source of silica?

    Hi! As many people here, I watched Bruce Bugbee's educational videos, where he suggests using a medium made of 50% peat and 50% vermiculite and says that vermiculite has lots of silica for the plant. While researching about this, I found this site which says that vermiculite doesn't work as a...
  2. swedsteven

    Organic soil (tight dojo pollen X pk .dossido mix and cheese)

    Just Say high to every one ! I choose tight dojo male pollen because of the colour off her sister dojo 8week flo new organic journal So i mix the tight dojo male pollen from bigworms with : All 8 week flowering Purple kush clone Dosido x crypt keeper house genetic Cheese freedom I only use a...
  3. Olias of Budhillow

    Want to go organic...a few opinions needed please

    Hey all For a long time now I have done all my growz in soil and the same method every time. I use Fox Farms Happy Frog with the Fox Farms/Bush Doctor line of nutes. I am wanting to accomplish a couple of things. I want to go 100% organic, I want a water only medium, but I also want to stay...