
  1. C

    Peruvian Seabird Guano Tea

    For anyone with experience with compost teas; specifically AACT brewers. What is guano tea supposed to smell like? I’ve made a couple solid batches of non guano tea and they smell sweet and earthy. This tea has an “unusual smell”. The guano itself smells literally like S*** but the tea doesn’t...
  2. calvin.m16

    Xtreme Gardens TEA BREW 5 GAL

    SUP Working on brewing up my first tea for my plants growing in Coco. I purchased the following for the tea: AZOS, MYKOS WP & TEA BREW 5 gallon bucket, Air Pump & Air stone, 1 tea brew bag, 1 tablespoon of AZOS and 2 tablespoons of MYKOS WP. Looking forward to seeing what this tea does if...
  3. Thebanktella

    A little worm tea question

    Ok nothing long winded , so I use worm leachate to bubble to make worm tea , does it make a difference if I use actual worm castings over worm leachate ? One being higher in microbial matter than the other ? As I just find it easy with the leachate as there aren’t any solid particles , does it...
  4. Dontjudgeme

    Terp tea “ bloom “ By roots organic

    Just wondering if anyone uses this fert. I understand that it can be used as either a tea or top dressing. I use as a top dressing. Don’t really have the equipment to brew. I’m wondering how many times you top dress throughout the flowering stage, I’ve dressed just once the first week of flower...