
  1. VictorFlorez

    Which type of vitamin C to remove chlorine from tap water?

    Apparently vitamin C can be used to break down and get rid of chlorine / chloramine in tap water. This sounds like a better choice for me than using R/O water. At my local drug store they had pure vitamin C powders in different forms- ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, and sodium ascorbate. Does...
  2. S

    Dechlorinate water for Microbe Brew in coco?

    I use tap water and I grow in coco. Should I worry about dechlorinating my water if I use microbe brew? Should I dechlorinate all my water to keep microbe life alive in the root zone? If it helps I'm using GH Flora series as well. Thank you!
  3. D

    How long to dechlorinate??

    I have always sat water out in a 1 gallon jug for 24 hrs or more but now that I have 10 gallon pots I need alot more water. So I bought 5 gallon jugs and a air stone/ 10 gal. Air pump. I was trying to figure out how long it takes to dechlorinate that amount of water while using the stone? Any...
  4. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Question: Making Shitty Tap Water Usable Via Air Stones

    Hello all, I have been using distilled water throughout my whole grow so far just to be safe at least while my plants were still young. I found on a previous grow (my first, one plant, turned out male) that the plant didn't seem to like my tap water that much. And I know that it is actually...