drying curing grassy smell

  1. Cottoouth916

    In-line Fans and humidity control! Is a dehumidifier needed?!?!?for drying

    I got both dehumidifier and in-line fan. But when I get high humidity in grow space and didn’t want to wait for the dehumidifier to takes its sweet time I would turn on my in-line fan and put it on max or close to max and humidity levels would drop, it Gots me wondering is a dehumidifier even...
  2. BigDaddyStrain


    Anyone here put a humi in their tent to boost the RH while running the duct with filter ? I have to keep the speed a med to get 65%rh but i dont know if its too high for drying. I also have a clip fan on the floor shooting in the corner to have indirect air flow and keep the moisture moving
  3. Alazzzar

    Boveda 58% for curing in mason jars

    I bought 6 humidity packs from Boveda 58% the ones with 8g’s. I’m curing in a mason jars, and the humidity inside is almost getting stuck at 55%..most of the time is at 57%. I’m at day 5 of curing. Now is Boveda 58% a good option? Wondering If I should’ve gotten the 62%.. Would that have been...
  4. Pat666

    Buds are drying too fast. Help!

    So I just had my fourth harvest and it seems no matter what I do my buds always dry fast and end up with a grassy hay type smell. Even though while growing and up until the drying process they have a strong dank smell it seems to disappear and become replaced by a crappy smell. I trim the...