
  1. HeatlessBBQ

    Why do psychedelics make One contradict Themselves?

    Obviously, psychedelic drugs such a psilocybin mushrooms, DMT, LSD, cannabis [or as We all know, marijuana], and even MDMA; have certain effects that describe a "psychedelic trip". At certain dosages, there can be a wide range of effects. The lower the dosage, the easier to handle. The higher...
  2. T

    Grafting venture

    Hello everyone, I'm doing my first grow and recently found out I had a couple of male plants (one sativa dominant and one indica) , has I had previous grafting experience I decided that I would graft a female scion to them. Both scions came from a sativa dominant plant, now I'm starting to...
  3. cannetix Inc

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer

    Phytoestrogens & Cannabis: Debunking the Myth Of “Feminization” and Breast Cancer (PART ONE) Cannetix Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and this is not intended to be taken as medical advice (Obviously) :idea: The myth that phytoestrogens, particularly in regard to Cannabis, is...
  4. C

    I haven't felt it yet but someone console me

    hello so I'm a very heavy smoker of the MJ; I also eat edibles often and dab etc. so my tolerance is high; I was desperate tonight mid anxaity attack. I have a ton of old wax and I needed something edible. So I researched how to decarb and there was too many ways. So I just double boiled almost...