health compare

  1. calvin.m16

    Mother Earth Perlite/Coco VS Mother Earth Coco (Comparison + Pics)

    So I've noticed that straight coco regardless of brand tends to always win against perlite coco blends or other "coco" blends. I did a side by side comparison with #5 pots and Mother Earth 70/30 Coco vs Mother Earth Coco and the results are obvious. Don't add Perlite to your coco. I was...
  2. HenrytheTruth

    Is this true guys? I am lost!
  3. serhgroer

    Is this a healthy plant? Post your own to get answers from pros.

    Anyone spot a problem? I think it's fine. I am not a pro. I am intending this thread to be a pic post and show of not healthy plants and some sexy females. And for the pros to help new growers like me keep their plants tip top.