
  1. H

    Archive Seed Bank Light Speed - First Try. At First I Didn't Care Now I Do, Help.

    I popped the seed May 20th. It's been a while and this little girl just wasn't doing anything for the longest time. The first pictures are from last Thursday... that's basically what she looked like for two weeks until her seedling leaves (I'm stoned and can't remember the name) started to die...
  2. Budzbuddha

    Trump ‘suggested firing nuclear weapons at hurricanes to stop them hitting US’, report claims

    As the circus continues , the POS of the United States came to the conclusion that to stop hurricanes hitting the U.S . we must use nuclear weapons ..... The source said the briefer was “knocked back on his heels” as Mr Trump went on to suggest dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of an...
  3. Budzbuddha

    Trump calls putin and discusses mueller report ......

    Heard this this morning that Trumptard called his imperial leader : Putin , to update him on the mueller report findings. Seriously.... This is like some mirror universe twilight zone bullshit happening. Who in their right mind thinks that move is appropriate ? Considering how “ sketchy and...
  4. GrowLightResearch

    Current will ALWAYS be regulated by varying the output voltage

    @nfhiggs has a history of ruining good threads by spewing his ignorance and ranting. Rather than allow him to continue screwing up yet another thread I am moving his ignorance to this new thread. Last post from previous thread: Background:
  5. MistaRasta

    Trump's thoughts on Las Vegas shooting..

    “Look, we have a tragedy,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart for Puerto Rico, where he is set to survey the storm-damaged island. “And what happened in Las Vegas is, in many ways, a miracle. The police department has done such an incredible job.” Here's a link (below) to the site...