
  1. M

    Horticulture final project

    Hello! My name is Marcel Suzano and I am 25years old. I have been growing cannabis no till for 6 years now, and I am in a horticulture class after taking a long break from school. I need to conduct a 10 question Skype/zoom interview with a plant related career specialist. For my final project. I...
  2. olaf687

    Project Veritas Interview google insider employees speak out!

    So about month ago an alt media company known as Project Veritas caught an undercover google employee bragging about censoring conservatives and Independents. He also is released more videos this month with more google insider employees speaking out against censorship. Google has already been...
  3. D

    Sydney Documentary Seeking Cannabis Users

    Hey guys, I'm a film student at JMC Academy in Sydney, and for our major assessment this year, we have to produce a documentary. I'm investigating the current political situation surrounding medical marijuana, and I'm looking for a first-hand account from someone who uses cannabis for medicinal...
  4. HappyJackal

    Tell Your Home Grower Story

    Hi All, I realized a couple months ago that during this process of legalization the country's going through, states are prohibiting citizens from home growing for themselves, friends, and others in need. Without the right to grow your own, all legal weed may well end up being corporate business...