jack 47

  1. A

    Some ideas on maximizing single plant in room?

    So I started growing last few years. First attempt was 3 plants with a very weak return, fast forward a bit of personal growthand time and I tried two plants last run, getting the biggest yield yet. This time I am trying a single plant, curious if I can get an even bigger yield out of this...
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    Any ideas?

    I am currently one month into my second grow. After 2-3 nodes on one of three plants I started to notice splotch discoloring on the 1st node leaves. I believed it to be leaf septoria. I removed them because I had another node or two above it to keep plant alive. It continued growing well and...
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    NL, J47, GG Indoor. Late Start Journal. My First Grow

    So this is my first grow, I was nervous to start a journal because I was afraid of broadcasting my failure, but I'm a month in with a few problems, but nothing catastrophic... yet. I did a fair amount of research before starting up. But I have always been more of a hands-on learner. This grow...
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    Possible nutrient excess?? Or watering issues?

    This seems like a tough one. I have 3 plants that I'm treating all mostly the same. My Northern Lights, which so far has been the most sturdy of the bunch, thriving through all of my mistakes, is currently struggling a bit. 11 days ago I fimmed both the Northern lights and the Jack 47 (back left...
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    What could this be?

    I have 3 plants. Possible overcrowding. So if this plant is donezo I can accept that and pursue the other two more vigilantly. I'm not really sure what this could be, I have treated this plant the exact same as the other two. I realize its small plant in big pot but its too late for that so I...