
  1. misterspivey

    The point is not to get "what you want"

    we are here to be educated by the universe yay or nay?
  2. misterspivey

    I'm trying to get past the neverending story of me so I can get into the more interesting story of you

    but it's a novel specifically a tragi-comedy I can't put down mostly because it's a story that never ends (duh)
  3. U

    Before I ask, just know.. this is more of a conversation starter than a question because nobody can tell me why God would allow so much suffering.

    A year and a half ago, my 15 year old son was murdered. Corban was my ride or die.. more than my child, my best friend, the best person I have ever met. Reconfirming what we all already know, "The good die young." So then we are all just left behind in silence with the not good enough group...
  4. mistergrafik

    Enter Grafik

    Hey there friends. I hope it's okay I refer to us as friends - It's been a strange year for everyone and I am no exception. I Just wanted 2 stop through, re-introduce myself a proper time and say thank u 2 RIU & it's dwellers. All of 'em, for making 2020 a smidge better. I've been growing for...
  5. K

    POINT 2 LYFE?....

    What is the point to life. I mean there has to be something more than to just survive. Is it to help future generations? Maybe it is just to survive. But there are so many dead souls, how could one live forever? If the point to my birth is just to die eventually, that would not make sense nor...