lights auto flower

  1. Jordantrip

    Is my plant gonna die?

    I believe my 600 watt bulb has fried my plant, will I be able to restore my plant or will it die? And should I use a 250-300 watt bulb instead? Also I have added pictures of my set up, should I changed or adjust anything? Thanks.
  2. Dontjudgeme

    My autoflower likes 100w vs 400w

    What’s up my fellow growers, hope everyone is having a blessed day. I’m currently growing a NL auto, she’s about 33 days old, and she absolutely hated my 400w LED. I have another 110w led I use for my babies before transitioning to the larger tent, and she prefers this light over the larger one...
  3. Stockthemperor

    Knocked wall down to expand grow room

    Just wanted to share my new setup. I knocked a wall down to give an extra 4sqft of grow space and have double door access. I upgraded to 300 watt vivosun LEDs over my chinese 300 watt LEDs. I am using a nanolux 315 cmh with Phillips green power 3100k bulb. I raised my bar 1ft for better...
  4. F

    Lights for 5 autoflowers

    Hi, so I've decided to try to grow my own in order to produce Rick Simpson oil. I have decided to go with autoflowers. Will purchase 5 seeds. At the moment Im looking at Full Spectrum LED Grow Light with following wattage options: 300, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000, Which wattage...
  5. Crazytrain420

    Would this light work?

    This will be my first.time using lights i normally grow autos on my windowsill bit this isn't an option anymore (neighbours just moved in) so yeah im pretty clueless when i comes to lights and im on a very low budget hence why I did windowsill growing in the first place heres what i found could...
  6. Crazytrain420

    Would this light work?

    Hello just wondering would this light work from seed to harvest (auto flowers) ? Sorry i grow windowsill weed so i know nothing about lights thanks