male auto flower

  1. Zeeuwburger82

    Male wont shed his pollen

    Hello great community✌ I have a problem with this wonderfull male, it whas the first to show his gender it has alot of sacks but for some strange reason he does not want to shed his pollen, is there anything that can cause this or anything to be done to help this process ‍♂️ Hope to hear from...
  2. Dontjudgeme

    Banana Blaze Auto By Durban

    Somebody help me make my mind up with throwing this little B!$@& in the dumpster. 30 days from sprout and not a single preflower. 2 or more people say male and she’s outta here. I’ve grown my fair share of autos and never seen this.
  3. Dreminen169

    Firebudz Genetics

    I was recently listening to the auto flower podcast about a relatively new auto flower breeder by the name of firebudz genetics. He has been breeding for somewhere around 3 years & what makes him unique at least in my book is that he offers regular non feminized autoflower seeds. He is...