mars hydro cup

  1. IndoorTom

    Mars Hydro Cup entry

    This is one month from seed in 3 gal cloth pots. 3x3x6 tent with 2 Mars Hydro TS1000s. Bagseed so no clue what they are.
  2. 420burn420


    Setup - Mars Hydro 2x2 tent with Mars Hydro TS1000W, I have a carbon filter but didn't set that up yet. I will probably do that when it begins to flower. Soil - Fox Farm Ocean Forest Germination Method - soaked bean in a cup of distilled water for 24 hrs then placed in a paper towel and zip...
  3. SpawnOfVader

    MARS HYDRO CUP - Lilac Diesel & Birthday Banger -Mainline Grow w/MARS HYDRO TS2000W & Home Assistant Automation

    Okay so here we go! First mainline grow, I started this thread in the Grow Journals section originally but I LOVE feedback so I'm gonna keep it here instead...more traffic :-D 4x Lilac Diesel RBX2 2x Birthday Banger Grow space: Crappy Topolite tent cloth (frame broke so using DIY PVC frame -...
  4. R

    Mars Hydro Cup - My first and second grow journals, in what will soon be a perpetual op

    Oh hey there! I wasn't really planning on doing a grow journal, at least not one for public consumption, but the Mars Hydro Cup has spurred me into action. I've got a ton of pics from the start of this grow, so I think what I'll do is dedicate a few posts in this thread to get us current on each...
  5. M

    Check it out! Mars Hydro Cup - Week 1 Flower

    Hey everyone. I'm growing using a few mars hydro lights then saw a post about their mars hydro cup contest so figured I might as well enter since I fit the criteria! I wasn't expecting to do it but considering I just switched to flower, the timing works out quite well as we can skip veg for the...