
  1. Tjingles

    DIY plant protein hydroslate

    Hey all. Been reading up on aminos which got me thinking if the possibility to make your own rough mixture would be possible? Similar to how you would make a fermented plant extract or fish hydroslate through microbial and enzyme fermentation. I know there are a bunch of products out there and...
  2. J

    What to do with Natural bat poop (from insect eating bats) What so do with it and how to best make use

    Hi guys so my friend was able to find a cave with a shit ton of bat poop excuse the pun... He's bagged me up a kilo and I really don't know what to do with it other than put it on top of my soil. I've read that depending on what the bat eats be it fruit then it's good for blooming and if...
  3. Wizzlebiz

    Defoliate vs didnt do jack vs lollipop

    Sup RIU. Was in another thread about why defoliation is such an at odds topic. I had mentioned I was doing a side by side by side comparison of the 3 styles. I will show some pics of begining of flower and document them going forward for all of us. Some variables that probably will cause many...
  4. SaHt420

    Organic Black Gold Potting soil

    Is this stuff any good read good things about it for regular plant but what about mj? Or would this be a better option for organic soil...
  5. D

    Is Florida soil good enough to grow weed naturally?

    so my friend lives in the central Florida area and he wants to know if the soil is good enough for him to put a seed in the ground and grow it naturally. What do y’all think?
  6. L

    Growing in TX. Tips?

    So I have some compost soil mixture and I'm going to plant the rest outdoors soon. I am hoping they don't become nutrient deficient or something. Not sure how often ill be around to monitor them soon at first. Last grow they did terrible with TX natural soil being to compact and nutrient...
  7. Brokenmast556

    African man, location, location, location

    A warm hello from my side to all. Let me start of by saying how paranoid I am using a ganj forum. But seeing even ISIS has a twitter account and can't be caught Im sure no copper can track us peaceful folk here. As I've traveled across the globe, mainly the Middle East (roughly 9 years) I've...
  8. Senior Smoke

    All Natural----> No Artificial Nutes For This Guy

    I Make My own soil... - Organic Homemade compost - Peat moss - Manure - Earth worm castings - Perlite - Mushroom compost - Chop up 6-8 Banana peels, mix in soil when transplanting. ( You can soak bananas in water for 48 hours prior to chopping up for banana soup and feed the soup to your little...
  9. G

    Looking for advice: Growing clones outside success tips

    Hey Yo, I been growing since 1977 and have always started from seed. I germinate a few dozen and at about 3 feet high I select the 6 best females. I have used plastic 15 gallon containers with various soils and I have also had great big plants by growing directly in the ground. But when I...
  10. Mr.5280


    So a couple of days ago I went into my local hydro shop (Acme Hydro in Broomfield, CO...check it out if you're in the area) to gat a few thing and Actinovate was an items on my list. I have not bought Actinovate from this particular store so I wasn't sure if they even carried it. The owner of...
  11. GroDank101

    Heady glass

    Looking for nice and not too big, custom, fixed downstem, 14mm female, heady dab oil rig. Any ideas where I can find something like this online? Thanks.
  12. MileHighGlassPipes

    Mile High Glass Pipe's Garden

    I thought I would start a thread just for my garden. Any and all questions are welcome. I have seen a lot of misinformation and fads over the years, so I will try my best to share what I have learned from many years of trial and error. I will post in here with current pictures of my garden...
  13. MileHighGlassPipes

    Beneficial Nematode Video

    Here's a video of a beneficial nematode I made. Many people use them, but don't actually ever get to see them. They are great for keeping fungus gnats down. Although they can be flushed from your pots if you get much run off. In a notill system they are a good addition because typically you...
  14. Sanci

    Outdoor Organic Grow Pellet Fertilizer

    Hello RIU! I am an amateur grower. I only grew 5-6 times before and have never tried any strange experiment. This year I want to mix my own soil and want it to be organic. I am going to use: 45% peat (pH:6) 120litre/31,7gal 30% perlite 80litre/21,1gal 15% earthworm compost 40litre/10,5gal ~9%...