
  1. E

    Fungus gnat larvae and bti/nematodes

    Just a heads up, my two rooms are big 700+ plants in 1 gallon pots. A lot of methods aren't realistic for me to combat pests. I'm running drain to waste coco, and I've been battling fungus gnats for about two weeks now. I've sprayed with a fogger with a few alternating organic brands with...
  2. TrialbyError

    Nematode ? Gnat Larvae? Theres so many of them AHHHH!

    Alright, so for a while now i have been trying to figure out what the "worms" pictures / shown i video below actually are and whether or not they are beneficial or of concern. SAt first, i thought oh no this is the worst fungus gnat larvae infestation I have ever seen, but, there where no gnats...
  3. Hydropponic_Happiness

    First ever Grow, a few questions on fungus gnats, powder mildew (treatment), and leaf discoloration

    So backstory, i recently started developing a powdery mildew problem, so yesterday i wiped every leaf clean and sprayed them down with a water/dishsoap/veg oil/baking soda mixture. Every since being transplanted a week or so ago, I've worried about fungus gnats, as i read a bunch of scary stuff...
  4. esh dov ets

    nematodes; ease my mind?

    Hi. Im in soil/soil less mix of mine and i i have gnats. ive got them under control somewhat whith gnatral but its not working completely like it has for me in the past and im over watering to apply. So i plan to introduce nematodes for gnats. Anyone one have experience with these little wormy...
  5. S

    leafminer or nematodes?

    I have an og cutting that looks like it has deficiencies but im positive it isnt lacking nutes. Also it the leaves are slightly droopy and have light green "trails" if you will. The symptoms match from what ive seen and read online to be leafminer magots or possibly nematodes. The grower i got...