
  1. matchgrip

    Enough space for veggies?

    Hey guys! I have a small tent (60x60x120 cm) (2x2x4 feet). Currently have 2 cannabis plants. Do you think I can put one or two veggies here? Like pepper or tomato, or do you think 2 cannabis will eventually fill up the whole space? Thanks!
  2. growerNshower

    Why are my buds smelling bitter/peppery around Sep. 15

    I've been growing for a while, indoor and out. This has only happened in my most recent spot outdoors (2 years in a row), which gets full sun all day on a SW slope at 1400 feet in NorCal foothills about 38.5 degN. I haven't seen this indoors on the same strains. It didn't really happen as...