power si

  1. V

    Power Si x Roots Organic Terp Tea

    Has anyone had any experience using either one of these? From what I’ve read using power si with a “terp tea” or brew is okay as long as I add it first? Any ideas or thoughts on this topic or these two products? I’ve had good results but just curious on others opinions. (I’m growing with Roots...
  2. Armyofsprout

    Jacks 3-2-1 order

    Hey guys. I know you’re supposed to put the jacks 3-2-1 mix in the water in a certain order ( I’m using witn power SI). So correct me if I’m wrong but the correct order would be: 1. Power Si (Original or bloom) 2. Jacks Part A 3. Epsom Salt 4. Jacks Part B correct? I’m super happy To be...
  3. wheresthekoosh

    Mono-silicic acid

    Anyone seen better results compared to potassium silicate? Long time user of AGSIL, went to buy more and the price difference is staggering... really that much more effective? Seen it flaunted on IG a few times but you know how that goes...