rdwc waterfall design

  1. R

    Waterfall spout extender

    Hey guys, I have a question. Would it be too much if I added 3 more 90 degree elbow spouts that circle around the top of a grow bucket in a daisy chain fashion, creating 4 water falls of equal pressure? Like the builds from pahydroponics.com...
  2. R

    Go green or Go Ham

    I am conflicted between a good conscious, go green, energy star system and a bada$$ top notch rdwc-waterfall diagonal halfpipe closet scrog. I have two plans, one combines gravity and the lowest wattage pump necessary to pump 80-120 gph into each bucket to complete a full recirculating...
  3. S

    RDWC Waterfall design critique

    Hi all. Just wanted to gather feedback on the the design and nutrients and parts. Water pump - 1600 gph Ecoplus airpump - 1300 ish Planning on using banjo threaded bulkheads with PVC 40 MPT X S male adapters to connect the 2" PVC pipes between buckets. The waterfall effect will be an elbow...