
  1. A

    STS feminized seeds production: No pollen produced

    I am currently spraying my 1 CB Diesel plant with Silver Thiosulfate Solution to produce female pollen for feminized seeds. I have pollen sacks (balls) all over the plant but the balls are not producing pollen and are very easy to fall off. I started the STS spraying one week before I started...
  2. L

    Silver Hermie

    Now that Michigan is legal to grow and I have enough to satisfy my needs, I have begun experimenting.. Decided to add a strain I like (Agent Orange) to my favorite strain (blue haze) ... I figure I will just add whatever I come across that I like to my strain... So, I attempted to use Coloidal...
  3. kunkgrow

    Vapor path filtration (aspergillus)

    Hi guys, I was just reading a paper on inhaled cannabis and concerns for the immunodeficient host. I have been thinking about this myself as my wife is undergoing cancer treatment (lymphoma) and here in Brazil marijuana is...
  4. F

    Got Mylar/Silver Diamond Sheeting, Now I Feel Ripped Off

    Previous I had my grow space covered with those bubble car sun-shields from the dollar store, they actually work surprisingly well although I don't have numbers of their reflectivity. So in an attempt to upgrade I spent the last few days researching reflective sheeting and so I came across...