
  1. Budsmoker123456

    Your opinion on my girls

    Hello fellow smokers/gardeners and 420'ers, My first two gals, Supposed to be blue cheese clones I think that's a lie, though the first aromas they're letting off smell great very fruity. They're only 12 days into flower and they've got huge bud sites already, also they've gone from 11" to...
  2. M

    Diy cabinet design needing some advice

    Hi folk, I'm looking to design a stelthy cabinet to start some seeds off. My idea was to make a conti board cabinet 4ft long 3.5ft high and 2ft wide. I have a 400w and 600w blast and cool tube ar my disposal but unsure if this is a bit over kill. Can anyone advise me of best design and what the...
  3. M

    Diy conti board cabinet

    Hi folk, I'm looking to design a stelthy cabinet to start some seeds off. My idea was to make a conti board cabinet 4ft long 3.5ft high and 2ft wide. I have a 400w and 600w blast and cool tube ar my disposal but unsure if this is a bit over kill. Can anyone advise me of best design and what the...