
  1. persian.toker

    Sex is overrated!

    That's it, I just think sex is good but not as good as today's culture has us believe. Often times, everyday tasks such as eating, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, smoking ganja, participating in a good conversation or doing your duties well, can be as pleasurable, if not more. What do...
  2. TigerSquad

    16000 lumn led too $$? was asked if my grow could house a 200w hps lamp fixture. I googled it see the specs (no because it geta too hot). But I found this...
  3. bmitchell

    Thoughts on first medical grow?

    *DISCLAMER: I am a licensed Medical patient. :joint::mrgreen::weed: Thoughts on my first medical grow? Details: SOIL: I made my own mix of soil to experiment, i think so far so good. MIX : Pete Moss Perlite SAND NITROGEN (COFFEE), also mixed with water. Calcium(EGG SHELLS) Blended into...
  4. HamGreasy

    quick dry, low heat, method that works in a bind!!!!!!

    So my weed guy has been MIA for the past 2 weeks and I've grown desperate. My crops are about 14 days from harvest but there are some smaller buds that appear to be ready to pluck. I snipped about 1/4 of an once of the plant that is more mature than my others. I let my oven get to about 120...
  5. Doug80

    Personal paranoia experiences

    So ok here it is this is the place to tell your stories. Have you ever smoked to much then thought everyone knows about your grow?? Then we do something drastic or try doing something drastic but we are stopped!! I know we all have that story the best getting all paranoid hiding shit and then...
  6. Doug80

    Grow room with soil floor

    any one can give me some advice I used to have a 15'x15'x8' grow room moved now I use 2 4x4x8 tents ( mylar reflective) they are great but I'm thinking of building a building behind house just for growing my thoughts was use my tiller and get soil as loose as possible then build walls around...