wax concentrates dab

  1. I

    How to make dabs last longer

    I recently switched to dabs in an effort to smoke something a little less obvious, plus if I’m being honest I like getting to use a torch and glass rather than papers. Anyways I’ve been smoking a ton of wax since I started(I don’t really know moderation), and I’ve noticed that my tolerance has...
  2. Daluminati420

    Got a question?

    All right I've only like made wax with butane a few times but I don't happen to have my glass piece or my pvc pipe is it cool if I was to use a pill bottle I heard that that would work it just takes longer
  3. B

    Where does all the trim go?

    Looking for trim. How does anyone find trim outside of their network of growers? I have all the time in the world to blast wax but not enough material to keep busy.
  4. M

    Hello From CAROLINA

    I'm the rickest rick of em all
  5. DonkeyDickColas

    BHO Shatter question Slap or packed???

    New to BHO Shatter, what does slap or packed mean? Does it have to do with stability? Fuck I dont know can anyone help?
  6. Subtracting

    Grospot's new Waxxx Elite Kit

    Just tried out the new Elite pen from grospot for concentrates for 59.99$ and let me tell you, this is the real deal dab pen. It's got 3 temperature settings , dual quartz coils for super clean hits , and it even has a longer lasting battery life than their previous generation of dab pens. I...