white widow x big bud

  1. F

    Need Help First time Grower

    I need to know if I'm doing good or my plants need a lot of help!! I have 12 WWXBB in redsolo cups with happy frog soil under CFLs some look better than others but what is wrong with the ones curling up and twisting .. I will attach a few pics .. Will they grow out of the twisting and the...
  2. sworth

    Incredible Bulk....

    Flipping heck! This lives up to it's name. 6 1/2 oz from one plant in a 15 gallon organic soil.... I can't really report too much on how she grew out because I thought she was a White Widow x Big Bud. Which I grow a lot. So, like WW x BB, she does a steady grow, gets a bit hungry. I grew out...