BBC: Horizon - Cannabis: The Evil Weed?

shit man, i watched it when it was on tv, its amazing!
basically tells u weed is fine for ur brain, and if u get a strain which is high in cbd, it can counter skizofrenia!yay!
shit man, i watched it when it was on tv, its amazing!
basically tells u weed is fine for ur brain, and if u get a strain which is high in cbd, it can counter skizofrenia!yay!

Ha, I knew someone here had seen it. That 1 ton medical marijuana grow was using sog technique. Too bad that high CBD=low THC... I guess the crazies are going to miss out.
lol, true true, but its crazy, cos theres so few people that get skizo from it, like one in 1000, and thats cos theyre already prone to it!
gonna watch this lol, so many things tell you weed arent bad etc, dont see why the goverment are still so against it, police dont care anyway
I posted about this a week or so ago and no one responded. haha.

It was an interesting programme to say the least.
I just watched it and tells me what i already suspected - none of them know anything about weed. A lot of acting going on there. Subtle demonisation of it. Something u would expect from the B.B.C - clever, but not clever enough. Only genuine people who smoke weed can comment about it , outside that green circle, they are speaking through someone elses mouth.