Shanti Baba - plagiarism is a crime


HI, I don't know where to post this, but I think its important people know about this. I have been a long time supporter of Mr. Nice and Shantibaba, but lately he has completely disgusted me with lies and censorship. Plant Biologist my ass. First my issues with his strains were deleted from his forum and everywhere else I was attacked for questioning the quality of mr. nice seeds, like all is pure gold and no one can tell them otherwise. from 18 seeds, 6 germinated and all 3 plants were mutants. I opened up a thread about it, and it was deleted in matter of seconds. I received a PM from some guy called hemp and told me to PM shanti instead of starting a thread "he'll sort you out". WTF

the other day I was reading Treating Yourself magazine and came across the article I have posted in the pictures here. The article's are written in every issue in Weed World and Treating Yourself magazine, and i assume other magazines . I found the last article about Seed Quality and Packaging a really interesting read, I did have in my mind, "this guy knows what he's talking about." Reading the article again the other day, I googled some of the terms he used >> and to my disgust I found a report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization that Shanti Baba completely copied word for word. NO HE DIDNT REPHRASE IT, HE COPIED AND THEN PASTED PAGES OF TEXT FROM THE UNITED NATIONS! plagiarized the entire ARTICLE published in the latest issue of treating yourself!
Take a look at the original research document / report the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO posted:

IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME AS SHANTI BABA'S ARTICLE, and NO, shanti baba doesnt write for the United Nations, he doesnt even have a diploma, ask him where he studied plant biology, see if you get straight answer that you can verify. Plant Biologist my ass. He's a copy and paster just like the other seed banks he criticizes. The article basically says all seed banks that have the seeds visible in the packets, sell shitty seeds, shouldnt be trusted and only he packages the seeds the right way. Why does he need to shit on all the other seed banks?

The articles Shanti Baba writes are all plagiarized. This is really bad and Shanti Baba owes an appology to the magazines, and the magazines owe a apology to their readers for posting ILLEGAL plagiarized texts!

I have circled the parts he plagarized, YES I Circled the entire page!! He copied everything word for word. he didnt even bother to re arrange the words. This is a serious offense for a magazine and their integrity. If main stream magazine did something like that they would have BIG BIG PROBLEMS! Sorry shanti baba, you have just proven to me that you are not to be trusted.

Shanti Baba, Plagiarism in publications is a crime, what do you have to say for yourself?




Read the original article shanti baba copied.


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Do you think I should inform the magazines or the writers of the original text from the United Nations, they are university lectures etc, and i'm sure they worked hard to write that report? A magazine should run plagiarism checks before publishing texts. I think those magazines owe their readers an apology like they do in normal magazines for stealing someone else work. I found another article
Well I have not read it. Are there any foot notes? or someplace where credit is given to the proper recipient?
no footnotes, no quotes, no references. This is plagiarism and should not be tolerated in any magazine. How would you feel if you spent weeks researching and writing a report for someone or an organization and someone else publishes it in multiple magazines as their own work?
The article is called Shantibaba's Grow Tips: Seed Quality & Packaging. It's simple, its copied and pasted from here:

check the second and third and 4th page. I can post the full article in pics from treating yourself if you want. but I think i posted enough in my first post.
Do you think I should inform the magazines or the writers of the original text from the United Nations, they are university lectures etc, and i'm sure they worked hard to write that report? A magazine should run plagiarism checks before publishing texts. I think those magazines owe their readers an apology like they do in normal magazines for stealing someone else work. I found another article

The magazine is ultimately responsible for the material they print. It is their obligation to verify the correctness and originality of the text therein. If you do anything I'd tell the magazine what's up and let them deal with it, professionally. If, after a certain period of time, they do nothing, then take the next round against the authors. Just MHO!
no footnotes, no quotes, no references. This is plagiarism and should not be tolerated in any magazine. How would you feel if you spent weeks researching and writing a report for someone or an organization and someone else publishes it in multiple magazines as their own work?
The article is called Shantibaba's Grow Tips: Seed Quality & Packaging. It's simple, its copied and pasted from here:

check the second and third and 4th page. I can post the full article in pics from treating yourself if you want. but I think i posted enough in my first post.

he probably did cut then paste it ... up his nose the cunt

You're probably wrong you know. Did he cite it as his own work or as a research piece?
no footnotes, no quotes, no references. This is plagiarism and should not be tolerated in any magazine. How would you feel if you spent weeks researching and writing a report for someone or an organization and someone else publishes it in multiple magazines as their own work?
The article is called Shantibaba's Grow Tips: Seed Quality & Packaging. It's simple, its copied and pasted from here:

check the second and third and 4th page. I can post the full article in pics from treating yourself if you want. but I think i posted enough in my first post.

Of course, I'd be pissed and react like you did. I might be worse too!!!
lol, no worries m8

He did not cite it as research piece. it's shanti baba's tips and tricks, not the United Nations Tips lol
I have just pulled out some other editions and found that they are also copy and paste work from other peoples. this is bad
hi morgon,

thanks for the link but I dont need this tool to check if its plagiarized. I found the original publication and its copy paste is an example

The United Nations Food & Agriculture Published (I QUOTE AND REFERENCE):

"Analytical PurityThe analysis of the analytical purity of the seed examines the extent to which a seed sample is contaminated with other seeds (weeds and other crops) and other plant and inert material. It therefore
reveals the extent to which the seed that a farmer buys is actually the desired seed.
* Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdomhe methods of purity analysis involve observation of seed samples using lenses and microscopes and
separation of the seed into different portions. Hand lenses or binocular microscopes help identiication and separation of small seed units and fractions of seed; sieves may be used to separate trash,
soil, small pieces of seed and other small particles; blowers remove light material such as chaff and
empty lorets from grass seed samples. The test result for analytical purity reveals the percentage by
weight of pure seed that is present in a sample, the other seeds (which are identiied) and the inert
Assuming that the seed is the correct variety, the farmer now wants it to achieve a uniform and successful establishment. Two aspects of seed quality inluence this, the ability of seed to germinate and
the seed vigor. The germination of a seed sample is most commonly assessed in germination tests, although if a rapid assessment of potential germination (viability) is required, a tetrazolium test may be
Germination Tests
The aim of a germination test is to provide ideal conditions for germination so that the maximum potential of the seed is revealed. The ideal conditions for germination of different species may differ in
terms of the substrate, temperature and time. The substrate for germination may be sand, an organic
medium, on top of paper or between papers. Temperatures for germination are either constant or alternating, where one temperature is applied for a speciied length of time, followed by another temperature for the rest of a 24-hour period. Finally the time allowed for germination in agricultural and
vegetable species can range from as short as ive days for jute (Cochorus olitorius and C. sativum) to
as long as 28 days for Panicum maximum (guinea grass) and 35 days for Tetragonia tetragonoides
(New Zealand spinach). The germination requirements for seeds of over 320 agricultural and vegetable species, 190 tree and shrub species and 350 lower species are found in the ISTA Rules for
Seed Testing (ISTA, 2009a).
Another characteristic of seed to be considered in a germination test is seed dormancy. In many plant
species the presence of dormancy means that the viable seeds will not germinate even when the ideal
conditions are present unless they have received a speciic environmental cue. This evolutionary trait
is a survival strategy which ensures that seed will only germinate when the environmental conditions
are suitable for seedling growth and plant establishment and also spreads the germination over a period of time. There are detailed descriptions of different types of dormancy (Baskin and Baskin, 2000),
but they can be simply described as being of two types, physiological and physical. Thus, in addition
to the requirements for a germination test, the pre-treatments necessary to break the dormancy of
many species have also been identiied. Treatments to break physiological dormancy include dry storage, which usually applies to species that have a short period of dormancy; moist pre-chilling, usually
at temperatures of 5-10oC for agricultural and vegetable seed and 1-5oC for tree seeds; pre-heating;
light; and potassium nitrate or gibberellic acid provided during germination. Physical dormancy arises
due to a hard seed coat that prevents the uptake of water at the beginning of germination. This socalled ‘hard-seededness’ can be broken by soaking in water for 24-48 hours, mechanical scariication
or acid scariication.
The treatments required to break dormancy before or during a germination test are also given in the
ISTA Rules (ISTA 2009a). Dormancy is not often seen in many crops, having been selected out by the
act of cultivation over thousands of years. There can be problems however in years when the weather
causes problems during harvest or in species brought into cultivation more recently
At the end of a germination test, a seed is said to have germinated successfully if it has developed to
the stage where the appearance of the seedling indicates whether or not it is able to produce a satisfactory plant in favorable ield conditions. Such a seedling is described as a normal seedling. If a
normal seedling is not produced, the seedling is described as abnormal and would not be expected
to produce a plant in the field."

SOURCE: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: "The Importance of Quality Seed in Agriculture"

Shanti Baba copied and pasted the text and published this in Treating Yourself and all the other magazines he writes for (the worst thing is the old articles are also plagiarized):

Shanti Baba wrote:

"Analytical Purity
The analysis of the analytical purity of the seed examines the extent to which a seed sample is contaminated with other seeds (weeds and other crops) and other plant and inert material. It therefore
reveals the extent to which the seed that a farmer buys is actually the desired seed.

Germination Tests
The aim of a germination test is to provide ideal conditions for germination so that the maximum potential of the seed is revealed. The ideal conditions for germination of different species may differ in
terms of the substrate, temperature and time. The substrate for germination may be sand, an organic
medium, on top of paper or between papers. Temperatures for germination are either constant or alternating, where one temperature is applied for a speciied length of time, followed by another temperature for the rest of a 24-hour period. Finally the time allowed for germination in agricultural and
vegetable species can range from as short as ive days for jute (Cochorus olitorius and C. sativum) to
as long as 28 days for Panicum maximum (guinea grass) and 35 days for Tetragonia tetragonoides
(New Zealand spinach).

Another characteristic of seed to be considered in a germination test is seed dormancy. In many plant
species the presence of dormancy means that the viable seeds will not germinate even when the ideal
conditions are present unless they have received a speciic environmental cue. This evolutionary trait
is a survival strategy which ensures that seed will only germinate when the environmental conditions
are suitable for seedling growth and plant establishment and also spreads the germination over a period of time. There are detailed descriptions of different types of dormancy (Baskin and Baskin, 2000),
but they can be simply described as being of two types, physiological and physical. Thus, in addition
to the requirements for a germination test, the pre-treatments necessary to break the dormancy of
many species have also been identiied. Treatments to break physiological dormancy include dry storage, which usually applies to species that have a short period of dormancy; moist pre-chilling, usually
at temperatures of 5-10oC for agricultural and vegetable seed and 1-5oC for tree seeds; pre-heating;
light; and potassium nitrate or gibberellic acid provided during germination. Physical dormancy arises
due to a hard seed coat that prevents the uptake of water at the beginning of germination. This socalled ‘hard-seededness’ can be broken by soaking in water for 24-48 hours, mechanical scariication
or acid scariication.

Dormancy is not often seen in many crops, having been selected out by the
act of cultivation over thousands of years. There can be problems however in years when the weather
causes problems during harvest or in species brought into cultivation more recently
At the end of a germination test, a seed is said to have germinated successfully if it has developed to
the stage where the appearance of the seedling indicates whether or not it is able to produce a satisfactory plant in favorable ield conditions. Such a seedling is described as a normal seedling. If a
normal seedling is not produced, the seedling is described as abnormal and would..."

SOURCE: Treating Yourself Magazine: "Shanti Baba's Grow Tips: Seed Quality & Packaging"

No one needs to run a plagiarize tool to figure out that this is copy paste work. It's exactly the same.

He didnt bother to change anything, he just removed 1 or 2 sentences.
Shanti Baba also added a few sentences at the end of the article basically telling people not to buy Sensi Seeds, Barneys, Finest Medicinal Seeds, Hy-Pro, Flying Dutch, Green House, Powerseeds etc etc. He says you can judge the quality of a seed bank by their packaging. slander.
well I'm not gonna down load this link its obviously not from the un and I don't think it matters as long as its not copy right and one more problem I got with you is you just opened an account so you can bash shanti
no footnotes, no quotes, no references. This is plagiarism and should not be tolerated in any magazine. How would you feel if you spent weeks researching and writing a report for someone or an organization and someone else publishes it in multiple magazines as their own work?
The article is called Shantibaba's Grow Tips: Seed Quality & Packaging. It's simple, its copied and pasted from here:

check the second and third and 4th page. I can post the full article in pics from treating yourself if you want. but I think i posted enough in my first post.
well I'm not gonna down load this link its obviously not from the un and I don't think it matters as long as its not copy right and one more problem I got with you is you just opened an account so you can bash shanti is the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. cn
Plagiarism checker.

I wish I could provide the one from my school because it gives an exact percentage of how much and where the plagiarized text came from, but I cannot give that out.

Paste the text in the box and it'll tell you if the text is unoriginal or not.
This version is really a POS, you sure you cannot share your other version kiss-ass

well I'm not gonna down load this link its obviously not from the un and I don't think it matters as long as its not copy right and one more problem I got with you is you just opened an account so you can bash shanti
link is valid, and so is the thread; some believe Shanti is near the top of the breeding industry (and he very well may be) but this is an epic fail unless it can be explained (but I cannot see how).

Maybe Aran and Franco made the right move :o, and like the human torch FLAME ON! :fire:

HI, I don't know where to post this, but I think its important people know about this. I have been a long time supporter of Mr. Nice and Shantibaba, but lately he has completely disgusted me with lies and censorship. Plant Biologist my ass. First my issues with his strains were deleted from his forum and everywhere else I was attacked for questioning the quality of mr. nice seeds, like all is pure gold and no one can tell them otherwise. from 18 seeds, 6 germinated and all 3 plants were mutants. I opened up a thread about it, and it was deleted in matter of seconds. I received a PM from some guy called hemp and told me to PM shanti instead of starting a thread "he'll sort you out". WTF

the other day I was reading Treating Yourself magazine and came across the article I have posted in the pictures here. The article's are written in every issue in Weed World and Treating Yourself magazine, and i assume other magazines . I found the last article about Seed Quality and Packaging a really interesting read, I did have in my mind, "this guy knows what he's talking about." Reading the article again the other day, I googled some of the terms he used >> and to my disgust I found a report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization that Shanti Baba completely copied word for word. NO HE DIDNT REPHRASE IT, HE COPIED AND THEN PASTED PAGES OF TEXT FROM THE UNITED NATIONS! plagiarized the entire ARTICLE published in the latest issue of treating yourself!
Take a look at the original research document / report the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO posted:

IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME AS SHANTI BABA'S ARTICLE, and NO, shanti baba doesnt write for the United Nations, he doesnt even have a diploma, ask him where he studied plant biology, see if you get straight answer that you can verify. Plant Biologist my ass. He's a copy and paster just like the other seed banks he criticizes. The article basically says all seed banks that have the seeds visible in the packets, sell shitty seeds, shouldnt be trusted and only he packages the seeds the right way. Why does he need to shit on all the other seed banks?

The articles Shanti Baba writes are all plagiarized. This is really bad and Shanti Baba owes an appology to the magazines, and the magazines owe a apology to their readers for posting ILLEGAL plagiarized texts!

I have circled the parts he plagarized, YES I Circled the entire page!! He copied everything word for word. he didnt even bother to re arrange the words. This is a serious offense for a magazine and their integrity. If main stream magazine did something like that they would have BIG BIG PROBLEMS! Sorry shanti baba, you have just proven to me that you are not to be trusted.

Shanti Baba, Plagiarism in publications is a crime, what do you have to say for yourself?




Read the original article shanti baba copied.

Are you ok with the fact that, he should not be named brought that geniuses idea to the forefront of a magazine.
Apart from selling you bunk seeds I don't see what the big deal is.
I couldn't care less what he copy's and pastes aslong as it is truthful.

Did shantibaba replace the seeds?