HI, I don't know where to post this, but I think its important people know about this. I have been a long time supporter of Mr. Nice and Shantibaba, but lately he has completely disgusted me with lies and censorship. Plant Biologist my ass. First my issues with his strains were deleted from his forum and everywhere else I was attacked for questioning the quality of mr. nice seeds, like all is pure gold and no one can tell them otherwise. from 18 seeds, 6 germinated and all 3 plants were mutants. I opened up a thread about it, and it was deleted in matter of seconds. I received a PM from some guy called hemp and told me to PM shanti instead of starting a thread "he'll sort you out". WTF
the other day I was reading Treating Yourself magazine and came across the article I have posted in the pictures here. The article's are written in every issue in Weed World and Treating Yourself magazine, and i assume other magazines . I found the last article about Seed Quality and Packaging a really interesting read, I did have in my mind, "this guy knows what he's talking about." Reading the article again the other day, I googled some of the terms he used >> and to my disgust I found a report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization that Shanti Baba completely copied word for word. NO HE DIDNT REPHRASE IT, HE COPIED AND THEN PASTED PAGES OF TEXT FROM THE UNITED NATIONS! plagiarized the entire ARTICLE published in the latest issue of treating yourself!
Take a look at the original research document / report the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO posted: http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/am490e/am490e03.pdf
IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME AS SHANTI BABA'S ARTICLE, and NO, shanti baba doesnt write for the United Nations, he doesnt even have a diploma, ask him where he studied plant biology, see if you get straight answer that you can verify. Plant Biologist my ass. He's a copy and paster just like the other seed banks he criticizes. The article basically says all seed banks that have the seeds visible in the packets, sell shitty seeds, shouldnt be trusted and only he packages the seeds the right way. Why does he need to shit on all the other seed banks?
The articles Shanti Baba writes are all plagiarized. This is really bad and Shanti Baba owes an appology to the magazines, and the magazines owe a apology to their readers for posting ILLEGAL plagiarized texts!
I have circled the parts he plagarized, YES I Circled the entire page!! He copied everything word for word. he didnt even bother to re arrange the words. This is a serious offense for a magazine and their integrity. If main stream magazine did something like that they would have BIG BIG PROBLEMS! Sorry shanti baba, you have just proven to me that you are not to be trusted.
Shanti Baba, Plagiarism in publications is a crime, what do you have to say for yourself?
Read the original article shanti baba copied.
the other day I was reading Treating Yourself magazine and came across the article I have posted in the pictures here. The article's are written in every issue in Weed World and Treating Yourself magazine, and i assume other magazines . I found the last article about Seed Quality and Packaging a really interesting read, I did have in my mind, "this guy knows what he's talking about." Reading the article again the other day, I googled some of the terms he used >> and to my disgust I found a report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization that Shanti Baba completely copied word for word. NO HE DIDNT REPHRASE IT, HE COPIED AND THEN PASTED PAGES OF TEXT FROM THE UNITED NATIONS! plagiarized the entire ARTICLE published in the latest issue of treating yourself!
Take a look at the original research document / report the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO posted: http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/am490e/am490e03.pdf
IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME AS SHANTI BABA'S ARTICLE, and NO, shanti baba doesnt write for the United Nations, he doesnt even have a diploma, ask him where he studied plant biology, see if you get straight answer that you can verify. Plant Biologist my ass. He's a copy and paster just like the other seed banks he criticizes. The article basically says all seed banks that have the seeds visible in the packets, sell shitty seeds, shouldnt be trusted and only he packages the seeds the right way. Why does he need to shit on all the other seed banks?
The articles Shanti Baba writes are all plagiarized. This is really bad and Shanti Baba owes an appology to the magazines, and the magazines owe a apology to their readers for posting ILLEGAL plagiarized texts!
I have circled the parts he plagarized, YES I Circled the entire page!! He copied everything word for word. he didnt even bother to re arrange the words. This is a serious offense for a magazine and their integrity. If main stream magazine did something like that they would have BIG BIG PROBLEMS! Sorry shanti baba, you have just proven to me that you are not to be trusted.
Shanti Baba, Plagiarism in publications is a crime, what do you have to say for yourself?
Read the original article shanti baba copied.