36% of the USA needs sterilization


Well-Known Member
The latest poll by ABC news and the Washington Post shows that just 36% of the population of the US thinks that Trump is doing a good job, the lowest level of any modern president in their first 100 days in history.
You know what that tell's me?

It tells me that over 1/3 of the citizens of this great country are complete fucking idiots.

I mean, really, how can any sane person approve of what Donnie boy has been doing over the last 7 months.

This country is fucked as it stands now, because a bunch of mentally handicapped morons elected their soul mate, and they have won.

What we need now, is to find out who they are, while we have the chance, and remove their genes from the pool.

Very sad, indeed, but it needs to be done
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The latest poll by ABC news and the Washington Post shows that just 36% of the population of the US thinks that Trump is doing a good job, the lowest level of any modern president in their first 100 days in history.
You know what that tell's me?

It tells me that over 1/3 of the citizens of this great country are complete fucking idiots.

I mean, really, how can any sane person approve of what Donnie boy has been doing over the last 7 months.

This country is fucked as it stands now, because a bunch of mentally handicapped morons elected their soul mate, and they have won.

What we need now, is to find out who they are, while we have the chance, and remove their genes from the pool.

Very sad, indeed, but it needs to be done
This would indeed Make America Great Again!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
We had mandatory sterilization but people didnt like that so much. Now they just teach poor kids to have unsafe sex and abort the resulting pregnancy.



Well-Known Member
We had mandatory sterilization but people didnt like that so much. Now they just teach poor kids to have unsafe sex and abort the resulting pregnancy.

actually, teen vogue did a very informative article on how to practice anal sex safely but you shrieked like a howler monkey about it and called to boycott them. seems like doing it in the butt would prevent some pregnancies, not sure why you got so triggered.

hey, i notived your call to ban all muslims from the country too, pie. why do you hate the first amendment? you some kind of a nazi, pie?


Well-Known Member
Get with the CDC stats and come back.
speaking of stats, did you know that easy access to birth control is the easiest and most effective way to bring down teen pregnancies and thus abortions?

hey, what do you think of trump wanting a $700 billion cut to medicaid? that's gonna fuck you over pretty hard, eh? especially since he promised he wouldn;t cut medicaid for brokedicks like you.



Well-Known Member
The latest poll by ABC news and the Washington Post shows that just 36% of the population of the US thinks that Trump is doing a good job, the lowest level of any modern president in their first 100 days in history.
You know what that tell's me?

It tells me that over 1/3 of the citizens of this great country are complete fucking idiots.

I mean, really, how can any sane person approve of what Donnie boy has been doing over the last 7 months.

This country is fucked as it stands now, because a bunch of mentally handicapped morons elected their soul mate, and they have won.

What we need now, is to find out who they are, while we have the chance, and remove their genes from the pool.

Very sad, indeed, but it needs to be done


Well-Known Member
Trump is making my stock great. If it screws some of his followers so be it. I'm with him on the voting mentality of his followers. Sorry if your benefits go bye bye.