Trump Nominates Sam Clovis, a Dude Who is Not a Scientist, to be Department of Agriculture's Top Sci


Well-Known Member
It's simple. A scientist wouldn't allow a program to move forward to disperse pollen from genetically modified cannabis which would introduce serious illness if consumed.

A political hack would.

And that is something sessions would approve of. I'm not saying it is an actual program, just an extreme. There are far less extreme policies that would make certain companies rich if implemented, but which a real scientist might oppose.
Dispersed pollen from GMO weed? I've never heard of


Well-Known Member
Dispersed pollen from GMO weed? I've never heard of
I think it is a hypothetical scenario he's mentioning. Not extraordinary leap to think toxic pollen could hurt people some day.

For example, there is an issue with GMO corn. Monsanto has spliced the gene for a protein that is toxic to caterpillars/corn earworms. The gene in nature is found in B. Thurginensis. BT corn pollen is harmful to Monarch butterflies when it lands on the Monarch larvae's food source at high enough dosage. USDA scientists have looked into a risk assessment and concluded the risk was very low but they don't deny BT corn pollen can kill Monarch caterpillars. Of course, other larvae could be affected and they aren't discussed here.

Definitely going to see continuation of this line of research with IMO bias toward GMO. The problem is, within a short time, maybe 10 years, we'll see BT resistance build up in pest species it will ruin a useful tool for organic pest control. Just like roundup ready soybeans and the widespread application of glyphosphate has created a glyphosphate resistant pigweed. It only took about 15 years for that to happen. Only this time, Monsanto will be taking down an organic way to grow.


Well-Known Member
so not only did bush lie about killing bin laden, but now the science farmers use to push crop yields to all time highs are a conspiracy to make frogs gay?

just shut the fuck up, you pathetic trump apologist loser.
Lol so effecting the environment like that is't a big deal to you but trump is gonna burn up the world by not signing the non binding paris deal. Aint no such thing as half way crooks.