Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**


Well-Known Member
. Sen. Jeff Flake’s new book, “Conscience of a Conservative,” is a white-hot indictment of Republican cowardice in the face of a hostile ideological takeover. It also represents the single largest act of political bravery of the Trump era

The single biggest act of political bravery of the Trump era
The book has gained buzz for its, well, forthright description of Trump himself. He is guilty of “erratic behavior, unmoored from principle,” and a “fly off the handle” approach to governance. He is “impulsive and lacking in coherent economic analysis.” He is willing to “heap praise on dictators and to speak fondly of countries that crush dissent and murder political opponents” and to “undermine confidence in our democratic elections.”

*comment section raises salient points about flakes voting record.
I'm not sure about this, seems like an opportunist move especially, if his voting record doesn't line up.

Those that need to read it won't..they're reading this:
Has anyone noticed he has Melania eyes which is all wrong?..squinting is off putting for prospective folks you want to do business with.

His cult loves it because it's the 'mean look'..
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greg nr

Well-Known Member
You guys are so gullible it's absolutely cute. No republican is going to vote against trump where it matters, but the ones who need to put some distance between them and trump will make statements like this. And then DO NOTHING.

It's posturing for reelection. Burr and the other reptile from nc are both doing it. All noise and no action.

Put pressure on the press to call them out and hold them to their words. They will slither away like they always do.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Except for Collins, McCain, Graham, Cruz, and several others who he shit on through his campaign. I'm willing to bet it's all going to catch up with him eventually.
Doesn't matter. They are little bitches. You can slap them around and they won't do a damn thing.

This republican congress isn't going to pass anything that moves significantly against trump. Sure, they will make speeches, and stand in front of camera's, and give background off the record comments, but the congress won't act. Not passing the death of healthcare wasn't done to hurt trump. It was done to not hurt the republicans.

It hasn't acted to date. Not during the primary. Not during the election. Not now. It won't in the future.

You guys listen to too much fox news. The republicans won't hurt their own president. It isn't going to happen.

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
greg 13703992 said:
Doesn't matter. They are little bitches. You can slap them around and they won't do a damn thing.

This republican congress isn't going to pass anything that moves significantly against trump. Sure, they will make speeches, and stand in front of camera's, and give background off the record comments, but the congress won't act. Not passing the death of healthcareake speeches, and stand in front of camera's, and give background off the record comments, but the congress won't act. Not passing the death of healthcare wasn't done to hurt trump. It was done to not hurt the republicans.

It hasn't acted to date. Not during the primary. Not during the election. Not now. It won't in the future.

You guys listen to too much fox news. The republicans won't hurt their own president. It isn't going to happen.

"They are little bitches. You can slap them around and they won't do a damn thing."

You know this isn't a fantasy forum, right? Your posts describe an alternate, dumbed down reality where you have got it all figured out.

In recent weeks, Congress has moved on a number of fronts to curtail the president’s authority. Lawmakers passed legislation limiting his ability to lift sanctions on Russia and pool the Republican-controlled Senate will not formally adjourn this month to prevent Trump from making any recess appointments, a tactic usually employed when the president is from the opposite party. Amid increasing concerns about Trump’s attitude toward the federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, a bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation this week aimed at preventing special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired.

Trump is also facing the reality that his words — or tweets — are often not having their desired impact. Three Republican senators defied him and congressional leadership in opposing efforts to move the Republican health-care bill forward. His entreaties to lawmakers to delay their summer break and stay in Washington to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act were summarily ignored.

His unexpected announcement on Twitter that he would ban transgender people from serving in the military has been denounced by members of Congress in both parties and largely ignored by the military — for now. And this week, Trump was publicly chided for apparently inventing congratulatory calls from the leader of the Boy Scouts of America and the president of Mexico that never occurred.
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Well-Known Member
"They are little bitches. You can slap them around and they won't do a damn thing."

You know this isn't a fantasy forum, right? Your posts describe an alternate, dumbed down reality where you have got it all figured out.

In recent weeks, Congress has moved on a number of fronts to curtail the president’s authority. Lawmakers passed legislation limiting his ability to lift sanctions on Russia and pool the Republican-controlled Senate will not formally adjourn this month to prevent Trump from making any recess appointments, a tactic usually employed when the president is from the opposite party. Amid increasing concerns about Trump’s attitude toward the federal investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, a bipartisan group of senators introduced legislation this week aimed at preventing special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired.

Trump is also facing the reality that his words — or tweets — are often not having their desired impact. Three Republican senators defied him and congressional leadership in opposing efforts to move the Republican health-care bill forward. His entreaties to lawmakers to delay their summer break and stay in Washington to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act were summarily ignored.

His unexpected announcement on Twitter that he would ban transgender people from serving in the military has been denounced by members of Congress in both parties and largely ignored by the military — for now. And this week, Trump was publicly chided for apparently inventing congratulatory calls from the leader of the Boy Scouts of America and the president of Mexico that never occurred.
Something new- and the end of his last two rallies he's floated the idea of (if) something happened to his presidency their votes didn't count..something about democracy taken away- but in a different way than I've heard before. Something sinister.

Remember I said this.
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Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
Something new- and the end of his last two rallies he's floated the idea of (if) something happened to his presidency their votes didn't count..something about democracy taken away- but in a different way than I've heard before. Something sinister.

Remember I said this.
overnight I listened to bbc4. they played some of his wva speech and they discussed the obsession with image in connection with the transcripts of his 'leaked' humiliating phone convos
He was howling bullshit to his followers in w va.. Talking about "deprive of leadership" and lying. A fucking abysmal failure who is also a narcissist and compulsive liar appeals to some. They are numb to the absurd irony of Trump's toxic messages.