Mistrial declared in Bundy Trial


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that. Many here spew assertions without giving you any idea where that "information" came from and you are an exception.

But the story is about a former white supremacist Christian Picciolini and has this unlinked blurb as a nod to what you have posted:

"The data tells us this, 74% of extremist-related killings in this country in the last ten years have been carried out by right-wing extremists, not Islamic extremists."
(You had it close to word for word except you changed the last word from extremist to terrorist)

Later in the article we find that it is a quote by Oren Segal of the ADL, so off to the ADL I go to search for the source story, and I find it here:


and I find the source (sort of, and I have modified the quote to post numbers for percentages in red):

"Over the past 10 years (2007-2016), domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 372 people in the United States. Of those deaths, approximately 74% (275.28) were at the hands of right-wing extremists, about 24% (89.28) of the victims were killed by domestic Islamic extremists, and the remainder were killed by left-wing extremists (7.44)."

...and the wording here is important as the numbers are prefaced " approximately " and " about ".

Interestingly enough, the next sentence after that quote is:

"Though not the most lethal, in some ways the most troubling extremist-related murders that occurred in 2016 were the murders of police officers at the hands of black nationalists. "
are they right wing extremists now too?

But at the top of the story is:

Download the whole report Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2016 (PDF).

So I go there,
but it still doesn't have any definitive data (and I heartily encourage anyone to take a look and prove me wrong) as no where in that report can I find just the number "74", let alone the quote or any supporting data.

In fact the first paragraph of the document is:
The June 2016 shooting spree at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando,
Florida, by Omar Mateen—who killed 49 people and wounded 53
more—dwarfed in its lethality all other extremist-related mur
ders this past year. Mateen, who claimed his attack in the name
of ISIS, though there are no known connections between him
and that terror organization, achieved the dubious distinction
of being the deadliest domestic terrorist since Timothy McVeigh
bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

and scan the rest of the report and this chart leaps out at me in the "NOTES ON METHODOLOGY AND SOURCES:"
View attachment 4064225

I was surprised that 9/11 wasn't on the list, but then noticed the "domestic" excluding any other type of attack, so why does this chart reach all the way back to 1966?

But that aside, even in this report they offer no definitive data to back that statement.

Take a minute, see what's in it. ;)
So you look at this and question the math basically. What the fuck is wrong with you? A normal human being would look at this and say there is a serious problem here. You on the other hand brush it aside as biased so there is no problem, MAGA you orange turd polisher.


Well-Known Member
Posted by me already you queer sea lion
No, your link was to "the fvcking cato institute" and has already been proven misleading.
So you look at this and question the math basically. What the fuck is wrong with you? A normal human being would look at this and say there is a serious problem here. You on the other hand brush it aside as biased so there is no problem, MAGA you orange turd polisher.
No, I looked at this and questioned the source instead of parroting a number with no idea where it came from, so I looked it up.
Are you mad that when it's traced to the source there is still no definitive proof of the numbers?
Since I did the homework for you, why not just go to the report and use its content to prove me wrong.

But you're right that "a normal human being" doesn't question anything that today's news media pushes at them as you've proven. ;)


Well-Known Member
No, your link was to "the fvcking cato institute" and has already been proven misleading.

No, I looked at this and questioned the source instead of parroting a number with no idea where it came from, so I looked it up.
Are you mad that when it's traced to the source there is still no definitive proof of the numbers?
Since I did the homework for you, why not just go to the report and use its content to prove me wrong.

But you're right that "a normal human being" doesn't question anything that today's news media pushes at them as you've proven. ;)
So if there's any bias or math or grammar errors you choose to ignore it out of hand, that's what you call critical thinking lol, keep polishing those orange turds.


Well-Known Member
So if there's any bias or math or grammar errors you choose to ignore it out of hand, that's what you call critical thinking lol, keep shining those orange turds.
You don't even do that and it seems can't find anything supportive in the report either (since I found the root of the quote).


Well-Known Member
Polish away, you have zero credibility if you dismiss that many dead people out of hand.
If they can't get the math right, how is a thinking person supposed to credit their other suppositions?
Read...the...report...and...prove...me...incorrect...using...its...content. ;)

Why is that so hard?
Did you go to the same school as Buckold?


Well-Known Member
It's fulfilling for me to show you are a shallow non-critically thinking individual that swallows whatever is pushed at him. ;)
so did you manage to alter the facts about how many right wing extremists like you have killed in terrorist attacks yet, queer boi?

come out of the fucking closet already. we accept your homosexuality


Well-Known Member
That's because you're pathetic and insecure, otherwise you would be seeking a better source of fulfillment
If I were insecure I would run away.
I'm not the one that is pointing out that 1 death is "better" than another. I'm just the one that's pointing out that you do for political reasons.

Have you ever thought about running for office?