

Well-Known Member
You seem confident..... They won't bite on command? There is absolutely no chance it could get confused and attack for seemingly no apparent reason? Are you just generalizing the entire population of the dogs from your own pitbull? I'd rather be safe than sorry, but that's just me ...

and that's what I meant when I said I wouldn't fuck with any dog... If I was the type to mess with animals for fun, I wouldn't fuck with a domesticated dog over a wolf... Because if a domestic animal is provoked, the domestication part doesn't even exist anymore, therefore it becomes just as dangerous as a wolf... You seem like one of those people that are convinced an animal is like a human being just because it's brought up by human beings..

I don't think we're even TOTALLY on the same page with this little discussion, but it's all good. Maybe I just went too off topic with the panda/platypus comment..lol

See you have to understand that when people say "Pitbulls are dangerous" THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT MY DOG. That's what people can't seem to understand. He may be the first pitbull I've owned, but he isn't the first pitbull I've spent time with. I know my dog is just that A DOG. I don't confuse him for a person, however his behavior is very dependant upon mine. For instance. It's a high strung drunk who lives two doors down. She owns a shitz zhu (sp) and he is high strung just like her. She provokes the dog and he barks constantly. It's another woman who lives one floor up. Owns a wire hair jack russell terrier. She's high strung, and her dog is high strung. Dogs do not just attack for no reason. They are conditioned to act a certain way. If you add confusion to your dogs life...then yes. Like I said no dog just goes off for no reason. Much like people. You should see the abuse pitbulls deal with. Not only from people but from other dogs who try them constantly. They are always being competed with, and most just walk away.


Well-Known Member
come on,except people with issues,who in the hell wants to see this,

hate it wen people go on about pits bein mean,a good dog will protect you at the right time,bad dogs have bad owners simple as...........n for the record pits have a less nastier bite than rottis,even with the jawlock,you can still 'unlock' em by poking ther eyes,id wana get bit by a 30 kilo pit over a 50kilo rotti anyday.
still love rottis to bits tho!speakin from experience i find ther mor loyal

For the record. Pitbulls jaws don't lock. It's just incredibly strong. However German shepards and Rotti's have much stronger bites. I posted a video in here a few pages back.


Well-Known Member
See you have to understand that when people say "Pitbulls are dangerous" THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT MY DOG. That's what people can't seem to understand. He may be the first pitbull I've owned, but he isn't the first pitbull I've spent time with. I know my dog is just that A DOG. I don't confuse him for a person, however his behavior is very dependant upon mine. For instance. It's a high strung drunk who lives two doors down. She owns a shitz zhu (sp) and he is high strung just like her. She provokes the dog and he barks constantly. It's another woman who lives one floor up. Owns a wire hair jack russell terrier. She's high strung, and her dog is high strung. Dogs do not just attack for no reason. They are conditioned to act a certain way. If you add confusion to your dogs life...then yes. Like I said no dog just goes off for no reason. Much like people. You should see the abuse pitbulls deal with. Not only from people but from other dogs who try them constantly. They are always being competed with, and most just walk away.

lol dogs do not challenge pits because they are pits,dogs have no clue on breed etc,all dogs see is another dog n it depends on the particular dog as to whether they walk away or they attack,a dog that has never attacked before in its life could 'attack' another dog because of a way the other dog is reacting,dogs communicate with actions that we tend to think is normal behaviour,for example the smallest reaction a dog shows to feelin any sort of discomfort is it starts licking its lips,licking its nose,turning its head away,and if another dog doesnt obey these communications then the next steps up are,walking away,ears back,creeping,tail tucked under,standing crouched,lying down,stiffening up,staring,but these are all signs that humans cant see,n if a dog does not listen to the other dog then thats when the growling snapping n biting comes into play,the dog that smells the dogs butt first is more often than not the dominant one.

im not a boffin,i jus recently learnt all this stuff myself


Well-Known Member
I did not know the dog that smells first is conceding domination. I thought that's what all dogs did. Well those except for a trainer I know. He doesn't allow any dogs to smell his dogs ass.


New Member
This is correct, my pound dog is a golden retriever and my stray is a ShihTzu. It cost me $15 to bail the retriever out of the pound and she is the best dog ever. Both of them are pure breeds.

What you and I just talked about is important for other people to know.
If anyone wants a dog but has their mind set on a pure bred, don't think you have to buy one. They come into the shelters on a daily basis. Please check with your local shelters if you are thinking of getting a pure bred, they very well may have one...I see them all the time.

BigGravy, your dog must be a young dog. As dogs get older they get more grouchy just like people. My Chow dog I had was the best dog to, but when he got old he growled and snarled about pretty much everything. I couldn't brush him because I was afraid of losing my face, he never liked being brushed and wasn't going to stand for it in his old age. We couldn't take him to a groomer, because we were afraid he would bite them.

Also dogs do attack without being provked. My ShihTzu tried to attack a great dane one day. Why, because it was there and he could see it. The great danes head was bigger than my whole little guy. For a small dog he can be quite an asshole.

It is instinct for dogs to hunt. No amount of domestication will erase that. When you get 3 or 4 together they already obey an alpha female and the pack mentality starts. Millions of years of evolution is not going to just go away in a few hundred thousand years just because we want it to.


New Member
It is instinct for dogs to hunt. No amount of domestication will erase that. When you get 3 or 4 together they already obey an alpha female and the pack mentality starts. Millions of years of evolution is not going to just go away in a few hundred thousand years just because we want it to.

That's what I was trying to say .. Thank you.:joint:


Well-Known Member
This is correct, my pound dog is a golden retriever and my stray is a ShihTzu. It cost me $15 to bail the retriever out of the pound and she is the best dog ever. Both of them are pure breeds.

BigGravy, your dog must be a young dog. As dogs get older they get more grouchy just like people. My Chow dog I had was the best dog to, but when he got old he growled and snarled about pretty much everything. I couldn't brush him because I was afraid of losing my face, he never liked being brushed and wasn't going to stand for it in his old age. We couldn't take him to a groomer, because we were afraid he would bite them.

Also dogs do attack without being provked. My ShihTzu tried to attack a great dane one day. Why, because it was there and he could see it. The great danes head was bigger than my whole little guy. For a small dog he can be quite an asshole.

It is instinct for dogs to hunt. No amount of domestication will erase that. When you get 3 or 4 together they already obey an alpha female and the pack mentality starts. Millions of years of evolution is not going to just go away in a few hundred thousand years just because we want it to.

maybe your dog attacked because of how one of the owners were feelin,i know it sounds stupid but dogs can sense twhatever it is the owner is feelin.....u need to keep mentally ahead of your dogs,mine keep me on my toes more than my crop does....i dunno.....im not expert,jus like to share what i learn.


Active Member
Wow, let me tell y'all a story if you think all pit bulls are mean and bad...

My neighbor found a rott wondering the neighborhood (country neighborhood), and assumed it was mine because I had a pit and a boxer. He literally tied it to my tree and left. After much looking, there was no owner to be found. When I tried to integrate him into my house, he was very dog aggresive. I put a muzzle on him to avoid a pit/rott/boxer fight. He pushed my pit against the wall with his head (because the muzzle was on), growling pressing his dominance. My pit never once lashed out at him. He looked at me terrified, not knowing what to do. And guess what, I got him out a shit hole that 'he wasn't cut out for fighting' (needless to say, I put a stop to that sh*t). You know how they come to that conclusion? They have to teach a dog to fight. Yes, you can inbreed to make dogs more aggresive. But dogs don't fight by nature. They assert dominance, and some house dogs are very aggresive because its their house, reguardless of the breed. My mom has an english pointer that is the most spoiled, hand fed, babied dog ever. And guess what, she's very dog aggresive in her own home. Outside she's fine, but bring another dog in her house and see what happens.

Dogs don't fight for fun, thats a behavior thats taught to them.


New Member
When your pit has reached the ripe old age of 15 years old we need to rehash this, I bet your views will have changed.

My Chow dog acted the way he did because he was 15 years old, he had arthritis in his hips and he had lost most of his hearing. These types of things will make any dog not matter how gentle it used to be, grouchy and angry.

My ShihTzu didn't try to attack the great dane because he got some vibe, he tried to attack it because he could see it. He thinks any animal that doesn't live in our house is a target. Luckily he is less than 12 inches tall and only weighs 11 pounds.

Dogs will attack just because they want to. They have their own brains and their own thought porcesses.

Like I said when your dog is 15, meet me here and we'll have this discussion all over again.

maybe your dog attacked because of how one of the owners were feelin,i know it sounds stupid but dogs can sense twhatever it is the owner is feelin.....u need to keep mentally ahead of your dogs,mine keep me on my toes more than my crop does....i dunno.....im not expert,jus like to share what i learn.


Well-Known Member
When your pit has reached the ripe old age of 15 years old we need to rehash this, I bet your views will have changed.

My Chow dog acted the way he did because he was 15 years old, he had arthritis in his hips and he had lost most of his hearing. These types of things will make any dog not matter how gentle it used to be, grouchy and angry.

My ShihTzu didn't try to attack the great dane because he got some vibe, he tried to attack it because he could see it. He thinks any animal that doesn't live in our house is a target. Luckily he is less than 12 inches tall and only weighs 11 pounds.

Dogs will attack just because they want to. They have their own brains and their own thought porcesses.

Like I said when your dog is 15, meet me here and we'll have this discussion all over again.

my eldest rotti has had arthritis,elbow displacia and stomach problems from 8months old,she has regular visits to the vets where they constantly handle her.shes never had to be muzzled or sedated when theyve operated or put bandages on,if your dog is grumpy and grouchy maybe its best and the fairest to put it down.

and in response to the aggression thing,my youngest rotti is exactly the same,he sees anything outside of the house as a target even tho he lives with two other dogs.he literally tries to kill them.therefore we muzzle him n dont let him off his lead and currently having a specialist trainer help change his aggression.just because its a small dog and cant do much harm doesnt mean its ok,get help with it man!still makes other dog owners feel uneasy


New Member
I don't let my dogs off the leash. Even though he's small he's is always on a leash. I keep him away from other dogs because I know how he's going to act.

The Chow dog we had was put down years ago. It was just an example of how dogs temperment can and will change as they age.


Well-Known Member
Picking up " Mack" tomorrow. Father is a triple purple ribbon winner, mutli state champ. dual registered. UKC CKC. Mom only one purple ribbon."only one show under her collar". and registered of course.

Him and my 3 year old, "Babie" will be breed. Mid winter. Mack the blue pup. Babie the brindle.



Well-Known Member
First of all, I didnt intend on breeding any animals... It was an accident. Secondly, These dogs are top notch show dogs so it wasnt really a bad thing. They'll will be sent all around to world to breeders. Santiago, Chile is where one is going, and it will enter a breeding program there... (Most will stay in the US) Both are decorated with ADBA conformation points. None will end up in a shelter. Because in order to get one of these dogs, you have to agree to let me buy back the dog if you decide you dont want it anymore. Thats how it is with these bloodlines... Not everyone can have one. Only serious breeders. There not just pit bulls, they have been selectively bred to preserve certain traits within the breed.

AND YES, it is sad that there are millions of dogs that need to be adopted, there are also millions of children in the world that need adopted also, but you would rather have your own right?

I'm just offended by it because the shelters where I live are turning away animals. I keep hearing that due to the mortgage mess the shelters all around the country are full.

My dog came from the dog pound (not the same as a shelter believe me, way less sanitary and at the time the dogs got 14 days and then were put down).

It just makes me wonder how many of those new puppies will end up and a shelter.
PS - you sound like Nancy Grace or something...


Well-Known Member
Why are you breeding dogs? The animal shelters are full to the brim with unwanted pets and you are breeding dogs?

Sorry to have to tell you, but that is a really stupid and selfish thing to do.
WTF? who are you to tell me what i am doing is wrong... :confused:

The breeding was an accident... But, I am taking the responsibility for finding the puppies GOOD homes. I'm not dropping them off at the shelter.


Well-Known Member
WTF? who are you to tell me what i am doing is wrong... :confused:

The breeding was an accident... But, I am taking the responsibility for finding the puppies GOOD homes. I'm not dropping them off at the shelter.
At least he's not letting the dog run wild and die or some shit. I think he's bein pretty damn responsible. Good job hillbilly.


Well-Known Member
I don't let my dogs off the leash. Even though he's small he's is always on a leash. I keep him away from other dogs because I know how he's going to act.

The Chow dog we had was put down years ago. It was just an example of how dogs temperment can and will change as they age.

To be honest...You sound like you just have unruly pets. For you to assume that every dog will be as miserable as yours is moronic to say the least.
I take my dog off the leash and he wont leave my side. You just have piss poor control over your animals, and believe that everyone else is in the same sinking ship as you.


Well-Known Member
Picking up " Mack" tomorrow. Father is a triple purple ribbon winner, mutli state champ. dual registered. UKC CKC. Mom only one purple ribbon."only one show under her collar". and registered of course.

Him and my 3 year old, "Babie" will be breed. Mid winter. Mack the blue pup. Babie the brindle.

Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.