First CFL Grow (PICS)


Active Member
Dude.. knocking CFL's is retarded. HPS and CFL grows each have their own advantages. For instance, you get significantly more useful light per watt with CFL's, and yeah, they're much cheaper - which I find good, not bad. Not everyone wants to rock a $1,000+ grow rig just to smoke their own badass green you know.. ;)


Dude.. knocking CFL's is retarded. HPS and CFL grows each have their own advantages. For instance, you get significantly more useful light per watt with CFL's, and yeah, they're much cheaper - which I find good, not bad. Not everyone wants to rock a $1,000+ grow rig just to smoke their own badass green you know.. ;)
ya, exactly, what's your beef with cfl's? I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, but if you don't agree with cfl grower's methods, then post on forums that concern your methods. just sayin.'re doing a freakn' great job with those baby's IMO !!!

I'm about a month behind you on my first cfl grow and today, I found out the importance of 'ventalation'......I dont have much and my lil 3 inch sprouts got kind of burned up today becouse of it. Installing fans tomorow.

I think, if you're just growing for personal use.....CFLS are the way to go!!!


Member're doing a freakn' great job with those baby's IMO !!!

I'm about a month behind you on my first cfl grow and today, I found out the importance of 'ventalation'......I dont have much and my lil 3 inch sprouts got kind of burned up today becouse of it. Installing fans tomorow.

I think, if you're just growing for personal use.....CFLS are the way to go!!!
Thanks man! Yeah, ventilation is critical for sure, I almost killed my plants the same way. Thanks for the compliment! I put them into flowering light cycle yesterday, hopefully they make some great buds! Good luck to you in your cfl grow! Just remember to keep 'em nice 'n cool :)


After reading through your thread, I decided to induce flowering in my girls, but I was wondering if leaving the fan off during its lights off hours would be a big deal. Should I put my fan in(closet) with my plants and keep the air circulation


After reading through your thread, I decided to induce flowering in my girls, but I was wondering if leaving the fan off during its lights off hours would be a big deal. Should I put my fan in(closet) with my plants and keep the air circulation
I have my fans hooked up to my light timer now, so they turn off when the lights turn off, and there doesn't seem to be any negative affect on the plants, so you should be in the clear :) But I'm not 100% sure if having the fan on during lights off hours will benefit the plants, someone more experianced might know the exact results of that. Just be sure to keep them on during light hours to keep them cool and keep the circulation flowing. Good luck with your grow! Cheers.


I didnt think it would be a big deal, so far my plants have been doing fine with what I've been doing. I just had a problem with nutes and over watering when I first started but their doing fine now and I cant wait to see them flowers pop up. Good luck to you. Real quick have any of you tried mixing molasses with your water/soil. I read something about it and wanted to see if anyone here has experience with it


update? new pics?
Sorry, no new pics yet, mis-placed my sd card that I use to put pics on the computer, but it's all bad news anyways..............

So..... I've been flowering for about 3-4 days (I really should keep track) and 3 of the 4 plants are male............... god dammit.

The only one that has pistols showing also has balls, so I think it may be a hermie. The rest of the plants are clearly showing pollen sacs.

I was pretty upset when I seen this, because I don't want to just throw away all these plants after everything we've been through :(

I am planning on putting the potential female back into veg. and cloning the shit out of it in hope of getting a decent yield. Is this a good plan? Can you take a cutting with pistols and successfully clone it to be a female from a hermie? I am just so dis-illusioned with the whole process, but I guess that's what you get with random seeds.

Anways, I'll try to post pics soon of the dam things to let you confirm my worst fears (that they are male) and hopefully I made a mistake and they are just premature female or something (wishful thinking)



Okay, I may have jumped to conclusions about the sex of my plants...hopefully.:neutral:
Turns out 2 may be female, 1 is definately male and one hasn't really shown yet. Me and my girlfriend converted a little closet space into the new grow room and took clones from the two potential female plants.

We also bought a bunch of 60w cfls and a bunch of splitters to create a strange-looking 'tree' of lights for the base of the closet. All together there are 17 lights in the closet... yeah, I know... we had to wear sunglasses while finishing the details :blsmoke: I think the pictures will explain it better than I can in words.

The light cycle is back on 20/4, we're putting the plants back in veg since we basically know the sex of them, and I guess we'll go from there...

Here's A WHOLE BUNCH of pictures of the new set up, crazy lighting crap, new clones, close-ups of the plants (kinda blurry), etc.

Let me know what you think:mrgreen: Cheers.:peace:


are you using a humidity dome for the clones? if not eveything i've read about cloning says they need one in order to root..
but i digg the tree of cfls ;)
nice to hear you might have some femles on hand :) good luck bro lookin good!!


Well-Known Member
are you using a humidity dome for the clones? if not eveything i've read about cloning says they need one in order to root..
but i digg the tree of cfls ;)
nice to hear you might have some femles on hand :) good luck bro lookin good!!
We haven't put humidity domes on yet because it's way too hot in there right now. We are going to pick up another big fan tomorrow first thing when we get up. Its reading between 85-93, so yeah way too hot.


nice reflector ...gonna put some of these empty joose cans to use now, thx for the idea!! Keep it green!
Hey! you're welcome for the idea! I saw it once on a random google pic, so I figured I'd try it out. It gets fairly warm, so good circulation is key. Cheers! P.S.- Rexa is my girlfriend, she may answer some questions from time to time, if she feels like


Well-Known Member
So this has been going on for about a montha nd we have just been cutting off the "bad" parts of the leaves. They are turning yellow and i'm not sure why. I have read a few different possible causes like a nitrogen or potasium deficiency. this is where I went to find out. The pictures are good, but I just want some confirmation about our plant before I try and save it, just to find out I am killing it more.

Here are some pictures, let us know what you think!

