What and when was your last good deed?


New Member
uhm today i walked around. acted like an asshole. smoke some salvia and got some pussie. walking is a good dead it makes ur body healthy


Well-Known Member
About 2 weeks ago I gave a panhandler some change ( I knew he was a crackhead, but oh well)

Oh, and I give my friends cigs when they dont have any. Those bums


Gave my uncle my spare fone + credit coz hes skint. He has mental problems too so not sure how he's gonna use the fone. Good luck to him


Well-Known Member
gave an alche a free q just coz i felt soo sorry for those bastards, they sit there talkin bout how good the crack from the night before is, i just gave it to them and told them to stay away from crack etc and ill give them more for free, hopin they do it.


Active Member
gave an alche a free q just coz i felt soo sorry for those bastards, they sit there talkin bout how good the crack from the night before is, i just gave it to them and told them to stay away from crack etc and ill give them more for free, hopin they do it.
Bro, I use Crack all day...........Can I have some weed??? J/K........But had to try.


Well-Known Member
Bro, I use Crack all day...........Can I have some weed??? J/K........But had to try.
these are people who have almost no reason to live, i see them everyday on the same wall talkin bout the same shit, if i can get just one to quit and get a job and go back to mary then i know that i did what i could and nothing less, if they dont take these chances ill make them pay for the weed they wasted and prob knock some sense into them.


Well-Known Member
just gave away a loaded Diablo 2 account. screw that game.
Wow, I played that addictive piece of shit game too. I gave my account away as kind of a curse, not so much a good deed..lol. I played so much it was haunting me in my dreams, My recent good deed was opening my home to some of wifes family who are going through some hard times right now...and I've been very generous with my smoke too,providing freebies of my G-13 haze and EndlessSky to those in need.
Have a stoney day

lego stoner

well i haven't done anything big, but a stoner hobby i thought up a few months ago is to do at least 1 good deed a day. Today i was walking down the street with my friend and helped a lady with two little kids get her canoe into the water and then helped her and her kids into it.


Well-Known Member
Yo, where's the person that started this thread?

they need some rep.. this is a nice and relaxed subject.

a good one too.. very different.. but nice. where's he at?


Well-Known Member
People should try and do more good deeds.. I do. Nothing makes me feel better, than to know that I put a smile on someones face or perhaps maybe help someone. If we all pulled together.. we could all make this world a better place. I'm a firm believer in that. ;) Except for the terrorists.. we don't need all that drama. Take all the terrorists up to space.. and just toss them out into outer space. Seriously.. :| do it.

But, IMO, the world.. right now needs peace, more than anything else. We need someone in Office as President of The United States of America, who knows the the fuck their talking about and sticks to his/her promises, period. We need someone to step up, and take care of the oil spill currently in the gulf for just about 3 months straight, of spewing oil.. into our beautiful oceans.. and ruining them so that our future generations can't and won't have the chance to enjoy them. The world is in shambles right now.. I see it every single day.. always something new on the news, always something new. You know, you have these people that are flipping out.. seems every day now you hear about someone getting killed.. rather it be from being stabbed; shot; beat to death.. whatever the case may be.. its getting out of control IMO.. and its not going to get any better.. until someone gets that fucking moron Obama out of Office as our President of the United States. Reverse his gah damn "health care" "reform" shit.. go fuck yourself Obama. ;)

That's how I feel about the man.. he can just go fuck himself. Nobody likes you.. and the people that do.. well, they can just keep dreaming.. because your not President material.. and never was. Sure, he put on a good show during the elections.. pfft.. of course!! Once he gets in, he's in!

Unless he gets taken out of Office. Rather it be getting shot, stabbed, whatever... I wouldn't ever do something like that. But I know there's plenty of other crazy ass people out there that would.. if given the chance.

Not to mention all these latest articles about these scientists that have started to claim that the Sun.. in the year 2012.. is going to have some majorly unbelievable powerful "Sun Storms".. which give these bursts of energy that come slamming into the Earth.. well apparently these are going to be so strong that they are predicting that these extremely powerful "Sun Bursts" will raise our tempatures.. or something like that.. and that there's a high chance that our "Power grids" won't be able to take the radiation or heat.. whatever it is that they're saying is going to take out our nations power grid.. is what I'm talking about.

wow, stoned. well, I have the day off today.. and its a rainy day.. I'm stoned.. and I'm going to go chill and probably take a cat nap.


Oh, and btw. The last good deed I did, was about a month or two ago. There's an older lady that lives right down the street from where I live.. and I noticed she had a dog (I'm an avid dog (animal) lover).. well I noticed that her dog go out one day... and I knew she would have a hard time finding it, let alone trying to jog/run after it.. so I ran after it and finally caught it and then took it back to her.

I felt pretty good about it.. plus she said "Well thank you, young gentleman. God Bless you for that.." and it put a smile on her face. She lives there alone, her husband did live with her..(of course) but I mean.. he was really old and not in the greatest health. I would see him from time to time sitting outside on the porch, on his wooden bench he made.. with his oxygen tank sitting next to him.. and then had his cane on the other side of him. But I think he passed away last summer.. I haven't seen him not even one time since last summer.. but again it made her day. I know it did.. and therefore it made me feel good and made my day as well.

We need more people like us.. that like to help people. The world needs more people like us.. ;) hehe..



Well-Known Member
i caught a loose pitbull a couple days ago all my neighbors ran into there houses they where scared i just called him over to me and he listened real well i end up playing wit that dog in my backyard for like 2 hours my neighbors thought i was crazy but he was a real good dog the owner and her son end up walking down my block looking for him and her son was crying cause he thought he lost his dog poor little kid he was happy when he seen him i found out the dogs name was king

lego stoner

Lol i had post this the second i got home. I just saved a kids life earlier lol. Me and some buddies rowed from my house to these lakes and found a tiny beach with no one nearby. We heard some noise while we were swimming and saw this kid (probably like 12) bobbing out near the middle so we swam out and helped him swim to shore. i felt pretty good about that lol. Plus we didn't even litter. We picked up our trash, beer bottles, roaches, baggies, and all that shit


Well-Known Member
i "donated" $100 to the state of california. and in return i get to "work" for them for about 20 days. work release....


Well-Known Member
Lol i had post this the second i got home. I just saved a kids life earlier lol. Me and some buddies rowed from my house to these lakes and found a tiny beach with no one nearby. We heard some noise while we were swimming and saw this kid (probably like 12) bobbing out near the middle so we swam out and helped him swim to shore. i felt pretty good about that lol. Plus we didn't even litter. We picked up our trash, beer bottles, roaches, baggies, and all that shit
you rowed straight from your house eh? the fuck? your house built on water?

just curious.
