take back those jobs!


Well-Known Member
i was once told that "if you dont like it get out" and ill extend that courtesy to you. you could become a teacher and help improve it if you feel so inclined. although that could interfere with your "perma-buzz". but its no secret most public schools are a joke, either that or the students not applying themselves fully.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, this stuff you guys keep spewing is great. Especially the South Park-esque quote from the guy "blazin" through the forum with horridly glaring misspelling in his signature. I keep trying to explain to my wife how badly programmed the bulk of this country is. Continue, gents...this thread just keeps delivering like having Biden on Youtube autoloop.


Well-Known Member
what exactly is mispelled in my signature?
covert vs. covet, i think. but a minor spelling error is not as damning as living in the conspiracy mentality.

i want to believe in so many conspiracies, i really do. i used to fall for them compulsively, it made me feel great, like i was a member of an exclusive club with all the answers and explanations. all elite and informed and aware and shit. it's a great feeling.

but i have, over time, tempered my skepticism. i want to believe a million different things about what REALLY happened on 9/11, and am completely unsatisfied at 'the official narrative' of what our elected politicans say happened. i want further investigation. i want to know where the steel from those towers went and why they never tested it. i want to know what really happened at the pentagon. i want to know so many things.

it is for this reason that i do not like certain wiki articles...they seem to tilt to much towards what is widely accepted than what is actually true/real. i get what you're saying, i really do. using wiki as a reference point, however, is not equivalent to believing everything in it and buying it all hook, line, and sinker.

since this is my own thread, i will hijack it by sharing this link: http://911truth.org/article.php?story=20041221155307646

a favorite past time of mine is to try to explain away all these 40 reasons, even if it involves a ridiculous amount of coincidence, could-be's, or whatever. the only one that gives me A LOT of trouble is how tower 7 fell at free fall speed hours after....if anyone wants to share HOW this could have happened without invoking some conspiracy theory gets a 'good job, buddy' from yours truly.


Well-Known Member
one word is hardly a horridly glaring misspelling. in any case, covet is a specific word that means to crave someone else's property, and the word is used correctly in the sentence. it is a quote from one of jfk's speeches.
fast forward to 1:36 to hear this part.


Well-Known Member
well i'll be damned! i was just trying to find a spelling error based on the signature, i am not that familiar with Kennedy's speeches. forgive me?

that is a complete and total WIN.


Well-Known Member
nah its good man, it was more directed to tokinpod anyway. if he can tell me what is misspelled. and i didn't even know what i said was a quote from south park. i had teacher that said it all the time. but i am digging his british-esque holier-than-thou attitude.


Well-Known Member
What a crock of shit....

Less than 3 % of illegals work in agriculture,and most of our food is not picked by hand.


Well-Known Member
covert vs. covet, i think. but a minor spelling error is not as damning as living in the conspiracy mentality.

i want to believe in so many conspiracies, i really do. i used to fall for them compulsively, it made me feel great, like i was a member of an exclusive club with all the answers and explanations. all elite and informed and aware and shit. it's a great feeling.

but i have, over time, tempered my skepticism. i want to believe a million different things about what REALLY happened on 9/11, and am completely unsatisfied at 'the official narrative' of what our elected politicans say happened. i want further investigation. i want to know where the steel from those towers went and why they never tested it. i want to know what really happened at the pentagon. i want to know so many things.

it is for this reason that i do not like certain wiki articles...they seem to tilt to much towards what is widely accepted than what is actually true/real. i get what you're saying, i really do. using wiki as a reference point, however, is not equivalent to believing everything in it and buying it all hook, line, and sinker.

since this is my own thread, i will hijack it by sharing this link: http://911truth.org/article.php?story=20041221155307646

a favorite past time of mine is to try to explain away all these 40 reasons, even if it involves a ridiculous amount of coincidence, could-be's, or whatever. the only one that gives me A LOT of trouble is how tower 7 fell at free fall speed hours after....if anyone wants to share HOW this could have happened without invoking some conspiracy theory gets a 'good job, buddy' from yours truly.
I'm kinda like you on the whole conspiracy thing. At one time in my younger days, I was almost convinced that most of that shit was true..............almost. I'll take a stab at explaining what happened with building 7. As we all know, 2 hijacked jumbo jets were flown into tower 1 and 2. Thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel, explosions and the massive amount of energy released from jets colliding with steel and concrete buildings at 500 mph. When the 2 big towers collapsed they rained down burning debris and tons of steel and concrete. Some fairly large chunks hit building 7. It also burned, unchecked for several hours. There were also several emergency generators and several very large diesel tanks in building 7. There was no controlled demo (they wouldn't have had enough time to set up controlled demo anyways). It's that simple. The conspiracy freaks will say, "No steel frame building has ever collapsed from fire alone in the history of steel frame buidings!" This is true, however these buildings didn't collapse from fire alone either. They collapsed from being hit, exploded and burned! Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!;-)


New Member
First hand info: 20 years ago, the average construction job paid about 25.00 an hr. Today, thanks to the influx of illegal low paid workers, that same job goes for 8-10 bucks an hr. Now question: Untill the meltdown, did the price of homes go down due to the reduced cost of labor?? Hell no they didn't. The profit just went up. That is what is fucking this country to tears, GREED.


Well-Known Member
that almost gets a 'good job, buddy'.

i am aware at how every other tower in the area, despite not being impacted directly by a jumbo jet, was basically smitherines. and i have no doubts that given the factors you mention, a building can fall, even a steel framed one. just because there was no precedent of steel frame towers falling does not exclude the possibility of it happening without invoking conspiracy.

but at free fall speed? that is my hang up. it fell at free fall speed. i need to see mythbusters say it's plausible or confirmed (or an equivalent testing group) before i say, "oh, i guess we can explain it without invoking any conspiracy theory".

also, too many things at the pentagon need clarifying, but that takes a back seat to tower 7 dropping unimpeded


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda like you on the whole conspiracy thing. At one time in my younger days, I was almost convinced that most of that shit was true..............almost. I'll take a stab at explaining what happened with building 7. As we all know, 2 hijacked jumbo jets were flown into tower 1 and 2. Thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel, explosions and the massive amount of energy released from jets colliding with steel and concrete buildings at 500 mph. When the 2 big towers collapsed they rained down burning debris and tons of steel and concrete. Some fairly large chunks hit building 7. It also burned, unchecked for several hours. There were also several emergency generators and several very large diesel tanks in building 7. There was no controlled demo (they wouldn't have had enough time to set up controlled demo anyways). It's that simple. The conspiracy freaks will say, "No steel frame building has ever collapsed from fire alone in the history of steel frame buidings!" This is true, however these buildings didn't collapse from fire alone either. They collapsed from being hit, exploded and burned! Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!;-)
but what about the molten steel and the hot spots weeks after the collapse? what about flight 93 that just "disappeared" into the ground? what about the pentagon?


Well-Known Member
that almost gets a 'good job, buddy'.

i am aware at how every other tower in the area, despite not being impacted directly by a jumbo jet, was basically smitherines. and i have no doubts that given the factors you mention, a building can fall, even a steel framed one. just because there was no precedent of steel frame towers falling does not exclude the possibility of it happening without invoking conspiracy.

but at free fall speed? that is my hang up. it fell at free fall speed. i need to see mythbusters say it's plausible or confirmed (or an equivalent testing group) before i say, "oh, i guess we can explain it without invoking any conspiracy theory".

also, too many things at the pentagon need clarifying, but that takes a back seat to tower 7 dropping unimpeded
Check this out: http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm


Well-Known Member
but what about the molten steel and the hot spots weeks after the collapse? what about flight 93 that just "disappeared" into the ground? what about the pentagon?
I don't have all the answers when it comes to this stuff. I do know that most of these conspiracy theories have elements of truth to them which is why they are often so compelling and believable. I also know that many conspiracy junkies are really good at ignoring facts that don't support their conspiracies or that disprove them altogether. I don't know what happened in Pennsylvania. Perhaps the plane was shot down, I simply don't know. As for hot spots? Go build yourself a campfire. A really big one and then let it get good and hot and let the red hot embers build up. Let it smolder and cover itself with ash. Sometimes those fires can stay smoldering for days if it doesn't rain or you don't stomp it out. The ash and stuff insulates the hot coals and keeps it going. The rubble pile acted in the same manner as ashes in a campfire, only on a bigger scale. I'm not sure what molten metal you're referring to. As for the Pentagon. I think that one explains itself. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Conspiracies probably exist but 9/11 isn't one of them. Why would some group try to pull something of this magnitude off and with this many deaths? Who stands to benefit and what if they would've been caught? I don't believe anybody had to do it because it was only a matter of time before terrorists pulled something really big off. They hit us in '93 and damn near brought the towers down that time. This time they succeeded. I don't know why they didn't examine all the steel. Perhaps because they knew what had happened and they had thousands of tons of it. I just don't know.:-?


Well-Known Member
I laugh at anyone who really thinks that 911 WASN"T a contrived False flag operation. It is physically impossible for a building made of high strength steel to come down at free fall speed into its own footprint. For those who cite the generator and diesel fuel as an explosive, who are you kidding, you saw the video and so did I , there was no massive explosion that caused all 47 floors to be weakened from the top down all at the exact same point to make it fall into its own footprint. Play a game of Jenga, when you pull out the wrong piece does the resulting pile of pieces just deconstruct and pile atop one another in a heap or does it tend to fall to one side and then spread out? If it was so severely damaged on one side of the building that is the way it would have fallen, but it didn't so it was either NOT severely damaged by falling debris or something else entirely made it fall into a nice neat tidy pile. Let your common sense guide you to the truth. We wouldn't have this decade long war and the trillions of dollars into the pockets of multinational corporations if it wasn't for 911.


Well-Known Member
I laugh at anyone who really thinks that 911 WASN"T a contrived False flag operation. It is physically impossible for a building made of high strength steel to come down at free fall speed into its own footprint. For those who cite the generator and diesel fuel as an explosive, who are you kidding, you saw the video and so did I , there was no massive explosion that caused all 47 floors to be weakened from the top down all at the exact same point to make it fall into its own footprint. Play a game of Jenga, when you pull out the wrong piece does the resulting pile of pieces just deconstruct and pile atop one another in a heap or does it tend to fall to one side and then spread out? If it was so severely damaged on one side of the building that is the way it would have fallen, but it didn't so it was either NOT severely damaged by falling debris or something else entirely made it fall into a nice neat tidy pile. Let your common sense guide you to the truth. We wouldn't have this decade long war and the trillions of dollars into the pockets of multinational corporations if it wasn't for 911.
Well, not everyone can be as enlightened and smart as you.:roll: How much time did you spend in lower manhattan right after 9/11? Did you see the rubble pile? How could they have demo'd that building so quickly? It was a strange collapse but buildings seldom fall in a predictable manner even when experts with years of structural engineering experience plan and execute controlled demos. And most of those controlled implosions take months to set up. Either the building was rigged prior to 9/11 or it fell on it's own. Were those planes flown by remote control? I watched the second plane fly into the tower on live tv! Was that special effects? So much of the whole conspiracy thing just doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps it's because I am extremely skeptical. Maybe I'm just stupid. Fact is, I was in NY less than 24 hours after the attacks. I spent almost a month sifting through rubble, looking for survivors and recovering bodies and body parts. I smelled the jet fuel. I saw the smoldering debris with my own eyes! I don't buy into this being anything other than what it was...........a terrorist attack! Are there some things that don't add up? Of course. There always are and always will be. We won't ever have all of our questions answered and perhaps that makes it a moot point. You believe whatever you want to but I will remain skeptical until such time as there is overwhelming evidence to change my mind. :peace:

BTW I never said anything about diesel fuel being explosive but diesel fuel does burn. And it could have contributed to the conflagration that occured inside of building 7. That's all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
I spent almost a month sifting through rubble, looking for survivors and recovering bodies and body parts. I smelled the jet fuel. I saw the smoldering debris with my own eyes! I don't buy into this being anything other than what it was...........a terrorist attack! Are there some things that don't add up? Of course. There always are and always will be. We won't ever have all of our questions answered and perhaps that makes it a moot point. You believe whatever you want to but I will remain skeptical until such time as there is overwhelming evidence to change my mind.
Ok, you were there AFTER it all happened, please explain to me how that has ANY bearing on what happened 24 hours prior to you getting there? Did your presence make it all real, otherwise it would be a hoax? Demo teams certainly know how their buildings will fall, how else do other buildings 60 feet away escape unscathed if they didn't know what they were doing? A Super sturdy skyscraper able to withstand hurricane winds and airplanes crashing into it does not all of a sudden lose every bit of its tensile strength in one fleeting moment, no matter how much fire there was. Anyway this is all just a hijack of the thread , create a new 911 thread if you want to debate. BTW were you the one who found the terrorists passport laying on the street that was blown clear of the building and was wholly intact? in fact it was in pristine condition after having survived a 500 MPH collision, a large fireball and a 120 story building falling on it?

BTW I never said anything about diesel fuel being explosive but diesel fuel does burn. And it could have contributed to the conflagration that occured inside of building 7. That's all I'm saying.
I never said you said anything, but you are correct diesel fuel does burn and it burns much better than jet fuel ( jet fuel is a super shitty lowest grade form of diesel fuel).