take back those jobs!


Well-Known Member
Ok, you were there AFTER it all happened, please explain to me how that has ANY bearing on what happened 24 hours prior to you getting there? Did your presence make it all real, otherwise it would be a hoax? Demo teams certainly know how their buildings will fall, how else do other buildings 60 feet away escape unscathed if they didn't know what they were doing? A Super sturdy skyscraper able to withstand hurricane winds and airplanes crashing into it does not all of a sudden lose every bit of its tensile strength in one fleeting moment, no matter how much fire there was. Anyway this is all just a hijack of the thread , create a new 911 thread if you want to debate. BTW were you the one who found the terrorists passport laying on the street that was blown clear of the building and was wholly intact? in fact it was in pristine condition after having survived a 500 MPH collision, a large fireball and a 120 story building falling on it?

I never said you said anything, but you are correct diesel fuel does burn and it burns much better than jet fuel ( jet fuel is a super shitty lowest grade form of diesel fuel).
I'm just saying there is zero physical evidence to support controlled demo of building 7. It didn't just loose all of it's strength and collapse into it's own footprint. Building collapses can be very unpredictable and do really weird things. Ask any demo expert and they will tell you the same thing. You are correct that demo teams typically do a good job at predicting where and how buildings will fall but there are a lot of instances of buildings NOT doing the expected thing. It's boring stuff but research the design and structure of building 7 and you will see that what happened isn't impossible at all. You are correct in saying that I was there after the attacks but I'm one of a very few people who sifted through that bullshit and saw debris with my own eyes. I saw nothing that made me think that anything was brought down in a controlled manner. Maybe it was, but I don't believe it and until someone can provide irrefutable proof I will continue with my skepticism in this matter.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying there is zero physical evidence to support controlled demo of building 7. It didn't just loose all of it's strength and collapse into it's own footprint. Building collapses can be very unpredictable and do really weird things. Ask any demo expert and they will tell you the same thing. You are correct that demo teams typically do a good job at predicting where and how buildings will fall but there are a lot of instances of buildings NOT doing the expected thing. It's boring stuff but research the design and structure of building 7 and you will see that what happened isn't impossible at all. You are correct in saying that I was there after the attacks but I'm one of a very few people who sifted through that bullshit and saw debris with my own eyes. I saw nothing that made me think that anything was brought down in a controlled manner. Maybe it was, but I don't believe it and until someone can provide irrefutable proof I will continue with my skepticism in this matter.:weed:
So what do you say to the fact that they found nanothermite in all of the debris? A special military explosive, not sold to mere mortal civilians.http://911blogger.com/node/19761


Well-Known Member
The only thing that has been proven about nano-thermite is that it indeed exists in every trade center sample taken. Of course its pretty hard to go back and recheck the debris because the entire pile of building has already been destroyed, all the metal was already recycled. All evidence is forever gone. amazing how that works. and the most amazing thing was the speed in which it happened, the majority of the steel was all removed and sold to China by Sept 29,2001. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html

FWIW ordinary Thermite is extremely easy to get components for and easy to make, a 1st grader could do it. Thermite melts steel very quickly, imagine if you had a special component added to the thermite that would make it semi-explode and work as a cutting agent. Of course you would need to take out the base of the building first... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1325716/how_to_make_thermite/

The base is strong enough to hold the weight of every floor under extreme conditions, they seriously overbuild these skyscrapers so they NEVER fall down. But it just so happens that one magical day all the forces of physics ceased to exist and 3 steel framed skyscrapers were reduced to rubble without the use of demolition. Never happened before in the 100 years of having skyscrapers, but happened 3 times in one day on 911, I don't buy it. There are people who were on the 911 commission who fully admit that the 911 commissions report and findings are complete BS


Well-Known Member
You should read your debunking better, in the links the author says that the links demonstrate that Nano tech doesn't make things explode, but if you actually READ them you will find they say such things as ""Superthermites can increase the (chemical) reaction time by a thousand times," Son says, resulting in a very rapid reactive wave." or "This enables the material to be used in many applications, including underwater explosive devices, primers for igniting firearms, and as fuel propellants for rockets." or "nanotechnology that makes for a bigger boom.".

Keep trying.


Well-Known Member
I was reading your site and came across this little tid bit of ignorance.

The conspiracy story also suggests it would be impossible to evade radar without government help. As if there aren't 4,000 airliners in the air at any given time in America. There were hundreds in that area alone. It may have been easier to intercept an airliner with the transponder on but even that isn't easy due to the amount of airliners in the air at the time. One airliner that didn't have anything to do with the attack was thought to be a hijacking and people were planning an intercept. Can you imagine if that plane was brought down by accident? Conspiracy theorists want us to believe its easy to quickly find these flying "needles in the haystacks" when they can't even find photos of iron workers cutting columns at an angle during cleanup. Not even when it's on the same web site and they have all the time in the world to find it.

It really Made me LOLZ,Radar can pinpoint any aircraft at any time whether the transponder is on or not makes no difference. RADAR has come a long way since 1940. When ATC has 4,000 planes in the air they know EXACTLY where that plane is, Im a pilot believe me if you deviate from your flight path by even 100 feet of altitude in packed airspace the tower knows this and you get to talk to them over the radio to explain it, they know exactly where you are in 3d space at all times. People don't just go flying willy nilly in airspace doing whatever they want. There is no needle in a haystack.


Well-Known Member
I laugh at anyone who really thinks that 911 WASN"T a contrived False flag operation. It is physically impossible for a building made of high strength steel to come down at free fall speed into its own footprint. For those who cite the generator and diesel fuel as an explosive, who are you kidding, you saw the video and so did I , there was no massive explosion that caused all 47 floors to be weakened from the top down all at the exact same point to make it fall into its own footprint. Play a game of Jenga, when you pull out the wrong piece does the resulting pile of pieces just deconstruct and pile atop one another in a heap or does it tend to fall to one side and then spread out? If it was so severely damaged on one side of the building that is the way it would have fallen, but it didn't so it was either NOT severely damaged by falling debris or something else entirely made it fall into a nice neat tidy pile. Let your common sense guide you to the truth. We wouldn't have this decade long war and the trillions of dollars into the pockets of multinational corporations if it wasn't for 911.
Ok, you were there AFTER it all happened, please explain to me how that has ANY bearing on what happened 24 hours prior to you getting there? Did your presence make it all real, otherwise it would be a hoax? Demo teams certainly know how their buildings will fall, how else do other buildings 60 feet away escape unscathed if they didn't know what they were doing? A Super sturdy skyscraper able to withstand hurricane winds and airplanes crashing into it does not all of a sudden lose every bit of its tensile strength in one fleeting moment, no matter how much fire there was. Anyway this is all just a hijack of the thread , create a new 911 thread if you want to debate. BTW were you the one who found the terrorists passport laying on the street that was blown clear of the building and was wholly intact? in fact it was in pristine condition after having survived a 500 MPH collision, a large fireball and a 120 story building falling on it?

I never said you said anything, but you are correct diesel fuel does burn and it burns much better than jet fuel ( jet fuel is a super shitty lowest grade form of diesel fuel).
Why would I? Its a thread about Jobs, not 911. If you want to debate 911 conspiracy theories then start a 911 thread and I will respond in kind.

Yeah these look like you where talking about jobs.

You are a epic FAIL.....


Well-Known Member
I was reading your site and came across this little tid bit of ignorance.

The conspiracy story also suggests it would be impossible to evade radar without government help. As if there aren't 4,000 airliners in the air at any given time in America. There were hundreds in that area alone. It may have been easier to intercept an airliner with the transponder on but even that isn't easy due to the amount of airliners in the air at the time. One airliner that didn't have anything to do with the attack was thought to be a hijacking and people were planning an intercept. Can you imagine if that plane was brought down by accident? Conspiracy theorists want us to believe its easy to quickly find these flying "needles in the haystacks" when they can't even find photos of iron workers cutting columns at an angle during cleanup. Not even when it's on the same web site and they have all the time in the world to find it.

It really Made me LOLZ,Radar can pinpoint any aircraft at any time whether the transponder is on or not makes no difference. RADAR has come a long way since 1940. When ATC has 4,000 planes in the air they know EXACTLY where that plane is, Im a pilot believe me if you deviate from your flight path by even 100 feet of altitude in packed airspace the tower knows this and you get to talk to them over the radio to explain it, they know exactly where you are in 3d space at all times. People don't just go flying willy nilly in airspace doing whatever they want. There is no needle in a haystack.
Did you know that a 19 year old kid (The barefoot bandit) just flew a Cessna from Bloomington Indiana to the Bahamas without being challenged one time. He stole the plane in the middle of the night, didn't file a flight plan and managed to go undetected, thousands of miles. Care to explain that one?:shock:


Well-Known Member
Did you know that a 19 year old kid (The barefoot bandit) just flew a Cessna from Bloomington Indiana to the Bahamas without being challenged one time. He stole the plane in the middle of the night, didn't file a flight plan and managed to go undetected, thousands of miles. Care to explain that one?:shock:
seeing as a cessna is not nearly the size of a jumbo jet airliner, i dont see the comparison.


Well-Known Member
seeing as a cessna is not nearly the size of a jumbo jet airliner, i dont see the comparison.
They still show up on radar don't they? They still have a transponder don't they? Based on NoDrama's argument that basically any plane can be spotted on radar with or without a transponder makes the argument valid. Why wasn't he spotted? This just happened the other day! We've had 9 years to improve our radar and air defenses and nobody saw this plane flying around for over a thousand miles! This is exactly what I'm talking about how conspiracy theorists conveniently ignore and dismiss important facts based on weak arguments. I acknowledged that I know nothing of nanothermite and if somebody can provide some actual proof of this stuff existing I might change my mind but I still can't even confirm the existence of this stuff and I went to the New Mexico Tech Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center. This was after 9/11 and most Fire depts. had to have some sort of training to respond to bomb threats. We studied virtually every type of explosive that was currently known. Nanothermite wasn't among them. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm sure the military has weapons that it keeps secret but this stuff is theoretical and doesn't exist, at least officially. I don't know who did the testing and who supposedly found this stuff at the WTC but I do remember thermite being mentioned years ago and it was proven to have not been a factor as far as I knew. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Did you know that a 19 year old kid (The barefoot bandit) just flew a Cessna from Bloomington Indiana to the Bahamas without being challenged one time. He stole the plane in the middle of the night, didn't file a flight plan and managed to go undetected, thousands of miles. Care to explain that one?:shock:
I don't know if you knew this or not, but there is a big difference between a Boeing 747 with 250 people aboard and a single engine Cessna. this kid from Washington has CRASH LANDED 4 airplanes? Or is he only Suspected of it? How many people you know that survive even 1 airplane crash?

From the Bahama Article.."But Payton and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department tell The Associated Press they have no evidence linking him to the crime." Now what was it you were saying about him stealing this plane and not being challeneged? Where does it say he was never challenged? Were you the ATC in charge of that airplane? Can you prove anywhere that these planes did not show up on RADAR?

How much you wanna bet that all these stolen airplanes had the keys left in the ignition? ( I have been guilty myself and know of quite a few others who do it also).

edit: FYI its pretty easy to steal an airplane as they don't check your ID or anything and as long as you are competent with the radio and know your tail sign you can get permission from the tower to take off. NOW if you just jump in an airplane and taxi out and take off and all the while tower is calling you and you don't respond, well thats a whole different ball of wax and it WILL get you noticed. The kid knows how to fly a plane and knows how to talk to tower, theft is easy. Oh and one other thing, the very HARDEST part of flying an airplane isn't flying at all, its the landing that you need to be good at.