NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

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Well-Known Member
I noticed that the concern is stealth. If you Run the 1000w hps's without bonnets the coppers can't positively identify it as a grow. They use radar heat signature and without the big metal bonnets the signatures are negligable.
Heat is heat, whether it is reflected or not doesn't much matter. It's not simply a IR concern, there is also a jump in power bills and additional heat to deal with, fans, noise, etc.... I have two roommates who have no idea I grow. The power bills stayed the same. With my current exhaust set up and LED lights, the temp still reaches 90 degrees in there if I leave the door closed. imagine if I was running a 1000w lamp?

This is and will be a LED grow. I'm not here to debate LED vs hid lamps. I am here to simply do an LED grow and see how much I can yield.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I commend you for what you are doing. Hopefully you will disappoint the crowd.

FWIW it's your attitude people are attacking not your grow.

The smart thing for you to do is just not respond to the negative comments.


Well-Known Member
I commend you for what you are doing. Hopefully you will disappoint the crowd.

FWIW it's your attitude people are attacking not your grow.

The smart thing for you to do is just not respond to the negative comments.
So why do you even reply if you don't want him to respond to your posts? Being that they are negative comments? Bit of stupid reasoning yes? You like to contradict yourself.

"Hopefully you will disappoint the crowd" wow, how old are you?

I would hate to think your 1100 posts are mostly trolling. Such a shame. I reported your post as well.


Well-Known Member
I commend you for what you are doing. Hopefully you will disappoint the crowd.

FWIW it's your attitude people are attacking not your grow.

The smart thing for you to do is just not respond to the negative comments.
The smart thing for you to do is to keep your negative comments to yourself.... That would also be the polite thing for you to do.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little late on this one, but subbed all the same. I've got a 300w LED from HTG a little over a month ago, and it works extremely well in the vegg room. I'm going to flower with it in about three weeks, side by side with 600hps, and see what happens.

Your grow is looking awesome btw, I can't wait to see it progress! People that aren't conscious of new technology will be left in the past, and are just as ignorant as the people that criminalize weed!:weed:


Uses the Rollitup profile
Pardon the interruption. As a long-time user of public forums, I'd like to suggest that you stop getting agitated over what someone else posts. If you have something to say about it, that's fine to respond. Otherwise just ignore it and move on, because they have the same right to post that you do.

You'll be happier. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sure, no problem PR.... just invite all of the LED bashers into this thread and I'll just ignore the name calling and the rude comments that get tossed this way, all in the name of free speech... It's pathetic really...

just vote YES on 19!

EDIT: LOL, thought I'd open up that can of worms for debate too.


Active Member
I seriously do not understand why people get angry over LEDs. I'm willing to bet they are people who shelled out a ton of money for a 90w UFO when it first came out or grew with 13w side panels and were disappointed. If you don't think they're all that great, fine. Even I don't think most LEDs are as efficient as HPS, but seriously getting emotional about how someone else chooses to grow their weed? LMFAO, you guys need to get a life.

So bizarre.


Well-Known Member
Serapis you said temperatures were still high despite being led, do you mind me asking what climate you're in? I'm curious whats keep your temp so high...
Sunny and hot Florida. The house is too hot to have the A down to 72, that would cost too much on the power bill. I use a window AC in the room so the closet has cool air incoming. It's not the lights throwing off heat, it is radiating from the attic above into the closet.

plsfoldthx: I sometimes think I have choosen the wrong path. I could have spent 200 and gotten an hid set up. I may still order one.
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