Abortion and Being Human


New Member
Pink ...

Your post brought tears to my eyes. An "Olympic hopeful." How cool is that? :)

Just think how many Olympic hopefuls, Mozarts, Beethovens, Charlie Parkers and Jimi Hendricks have been flushed down the drain as sacrifices to the god on convenience.

Abortion is as demented as was the Holocaust ... and those who support it are just as stone-blind to the truth as were those "good little German citizens and workers."



Well-Known Member
Pink ...

Your post brought tears to my eyes. An "Olympic hopeful." How cool is that? :)

Just think how many Olympic hopefuls, Mozarts, Beethovens, Charlie Parkers and Jimi Hendricks have been flushed down the drain as sacrifices to the god on convenience.

Abortion is as demented as was the Holocaust ... and those who support it are just as stone-blind to the truth as were those "good little German citizens and workers."

It is sooo cool...and who knows she could save the world....


Active Member
There are many instances of women falling pregnant through no fault of their own. If a rapist impregnates a woman through no choice of her own, surely she must have the right to choose to have an abortion? Rare as this sort of instance is, it does happen. Everyone must have choice. Do you think that women like killing their own babies? It is only an individuals opinion that makes something right or wrong. Personally I don't believe in killing animals but millions are slaughtered every day for our greed and profit. Where does the line end that killing one sort of being is ok and another is not?
All killing is wrong. However, we all must make tough decisions for survival and sometimes those decisions will not be liked by others. Lets just tolerate those decisions and offer support to those we know that have to make such tough decisions.
Peace in our lifetime!


New Member
There are many instances of women falling pregnant through no fault of their own. If a rapist impregnates a woman through no choice of her own, surely she must have the right to choose to have an abortion? Rare as this sort of instance is, it does happen. Everyone must have choice. Do you think that women like killing their own babies? It is only an individuals opinion that makes something right or wrong. Personally I don't believe in killing animals but millions are slaughtered every day for our greed and profit. Where does the line end that killing one sort of being is ok and another is not?
All killing is wrong. However, we all must make tough decisions for survival and sometimes those decisions will not be liked by others. Lets just tolerate those decisions and offer support to those we know that have to make such tough decisions.
Peace in our lifetime!
At the "Human" line.



Well-Known Member
There are many instances of women falling pregnant through no fault of their own. If a rapist impregnates a woman through no choice of her own, surely she must have the right to choose to have an abortion? Rare as this sort of instance is, it does happen. Everyone must have choice. Do you think that women like killing their own babies? It is only an individuals opinion that makes something right or wrong. Personally I don't believe in killing animals but millions are slaughtered every day for our greed and profit. Where does the line end that killing one sort of being is ok and another is not?
All killing is wrong. However, we all must make tough decisions for survival and sometimes those decisions will not be liked by others. Lets just tolerate those decisions and offer support to those we know that have to make such tough decisions.
Peace in our lifetime!
Perfectly ok to abort in my eyes if the baby is within the first trimester. If women cant get it done by then, thats when it becomes a problem to me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know it sucks, but fact is, that baby would not be even close to viable if you were to give birth to it.
There is exceptions to abortion. Everyone makes mistakes. Plus if I was raped I would be getting an abortion, Im not gonna lie. I just would be responsible about it. I think it should be done before 8 weeks if possible.


New Member
When you grow a Vagina and a set of ovaries, then you will be entitled to your opinion, otherwise you are just being presumptious.
Translation: "I have no rational argument and will continue to spout nothingness like the fucking moron I really am."

Isn't this the very same "argument," which is no argument at all, that you make regarding the war? "If you haven't served in the military, then you have no right to an opinion."

Your diatribe is nothing more than an attempt to cut off debate. Again ... you are way to predictable, Med.

With that said, I posted those pictures in response to your idiotic, cruel and arrogant "goo" comment. Any further comments on that subject, Med?



New Member
Translation: "I have no rational argument and will continue to spout nothingness like the fucking moron I really am."

Isn't this the very same "argument," which is no argument at all, that you make regarding the war? "If you haven't served in the military, then you have no right to an opinion."

Your diatribe is nothing more than an attempt to cut off debate. Again ... you are way to predictable, Med.

With that said, I posted those pictures in response to your idiotic, cruel and arrogant "goo" comment. Any further comments on that subject, Med?

Yeah, when you have a cunt, then champion the anti-abortion thing or shut the fuck up asshole!


Well-Known Member
When you grow a Vagina and a set of ovaries, then you will be entitled to your opinion, otherwise you are just being presumptious.
IF you dont have a vagina and ovaries then get off you damn soapbox about abortion and go back to bitching about male based politics


New Member
IF you dont have a vagina and ovaries then get off you damn soapbox about abortion and go back to bitching about male based politics
,Uhhh, that is what I was saying to the asshole. I'm on your side. I don't condone abortion but I also don't have a vagina or ovaries and that is what I was trying to say to dickhead VI. If you aren't a woman then quit squaking like a broken record. Thank you.


New Member
Yeah, when you have a cunt, then champion the anti-abortion thing or shut the fuck up asshole!
Translation: "Not only am I not capable of rational, intellegent debate, but I am, in reality, an obnoxious, filthy-mouthed, woman-hating, sexist person, hiding behind the phoney, compassionate cloak of liberalism."



New Member
Translation: "Not only am I not capable of rational, intellegent debate, but I am, in reality, an obnoxious, filthy-mouthed, woman-hating, sexist person, hiding behind the phoney, compassionate cloak of liberalism."

Not only are you an asshole but a stupid overbearing right wing dickhead with an ego the size of a boxcar and a brain the size of a pea.


Well-Known Member
The summer before I went to college my friend and roomate to be at college had an abortion...and I went with her....I think afterwards I was more upset than her...I sat on the floor in front of my mother w/ my head in her lap balling my eyes out and it took me forever to get that fucking sucking sound out of my head.....

at 18 when I found myself pregnant I thought all along I was going to keep it but my future was strongly built on wellfare and at 7months I decided that I would resent the child once I got my shit together and decided to go the adoption route...

It was tough....I nearly lost my mind afterwards.....but I know now that I would have never gotten over an abortion.....I picked her parents, they still keep in contact with me....she is beautiful and an olypic hopeful swimmer...11 years old.....I dont regret it for a minute...she knows all about me and they all love me soooo much.....

I wouldnt make a law that says you cant have an abortion but I will be an advocate for adoption for LIFE>
you're awesome! i was adopted when i was a couple months old and my birth mother was an 18 year old girl, probably in a similar situation as you were in. i don't know if she ever held me or if i ever looked in her eyes but she's a hero to me. she was willing to take 9 months of social disgrace and shame from our "tolerant and liberal" society in order to let me live.



Well-Known Member
There are many instances of women falling pregnant through no fault of their own. If a rapist impregnates a woman through no choice of her own, surely she must have the right to choose to have an abortion? Rare as this sort of instance is, it does happen. Everyone must have choice. Do you think that women like killing their own babies? It is only an individuals opinion that makes something right or wrong. Personally I don't believe in killing animals but millions are slaughtered every day for our greed and profit. Where does the line end that killing one sort of being is ok and another is not?
All killing is wrong. However, we all must make tough decisions for survival and sometimes those decisions will not be liked by others. Lets just tolerate those decisions and offer support to those we know that have to make such tough decisions.
Peace in our lifetime!
rape is less than 00.5% of all abortions. since the woman did not have a choice in that matter i respect her right to retroactively apply her will to the child, even if that means a death sentence to the innocent. the wholesale slaughter of children in the name of convenience is one of the biggest problems our country faces.

Peace will never come to a nation that is willing to slice and dice innocent children for a couple more years of barhopping.



New Member
you're awesome! i was adopted when i was a couple months old and my birth mother was an 18 year old girl, probably in a similar situation as you were in. i don't know if she ever held me or if i ever looked in her eyes but she's a hero to me. she was willing to take 9 months of social disgrace and shame from our "tolerant and liberal" society in order to let me live.

No wonder you have an agenda. You were spared by a non-abortion mom. They said when Vi was born, they threw the baby away and kept the afterbirth, I believe it, that picture he posted was him @ 2 mos. I'm not pro abortion, but not being a woman, I'll leave that to them. PS, have you ever considered looking for your birth Mom.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know it sucks, but fact is, that baby would not be even close to viable if you were to give birth to it.
There is exceptions to abortion. Everyone makes mistakes. Plus if I was raped I would be getting an abortion, Im not gonna lie. I just would be responsible about it. I think it should be done before 8 weeks if possible.

you wouldn't be viable if i put my bicep under your chin and squeezed. is it ok to abort you?



Well-Known Member
No wonder you have an agenda. You were spared by a non-abortion mom. They said when Vi was born, they threw the baby away and kept the afterbirth, I believe it, that picture he posted was him @ 2 mos. I'm not pro abortion, but not being a woman, I'll leave that to them. PS, have you ever considered looking for your birth Mom.
yeah, i was "spared".

i have considered it but i won't do that to her. in my state i have the right to obtain "identifying information" about her but she can't find anything about me. she knew what she was in for and she made peace with it so i'm going to respect that.



New Member
yeah, i was "spared".

i have considered it but i won't do that to her. in my state i have the right to obtain "identifying information" about her but she can't find anything about me. she knew what she was in for and she made peace with it so i'm going to respect that.

Good call, I believe it causes more harm than good after you are an adult.