Day 42 flower w/pictures


Active Member
No, my buds usually mature from the top down, the lower buds usually form and mature
a few weeks behind the upper most buds. This is why I let the bottoms grow
an additional 2-3 weeks after cutting the tops.
What day did you start the plant on 12/12 lighting?

The first week of August I believe it was the 3rd.


Well-Known Member
Well no one but you knows what your plant really looks like but if
it is more sativa, in my opinion cutting anything at this point would be
at least three weeks too early. If the lower buds look done, let them
go one more week, then see how they look.
If they look no bigger, or no more resin covered, or more ripe, then cut them.

If you do a partial harvest, pick out all the bud sites you want to take, and cut them all
at one time. Don't take a few today, then more tomorrow, ect..
You'll keep your plant in shock longer doing that and it may hermie on you.
Cut all the buds you plan on taking at one time so your plants only have to recover from the shock once,
then they will continue growing.


Well-Known Member
hey Mauler your lady is doing fanastic !! with beautiful frosty buds, and interesting about ripen started lower :)


Active Member
Well no one but you knows what your plant really looks like but if
it is more sativa, in my opinion cutting anything at this point would be
at least three weeks too early. If the lower buds look done, let them
go one more week, then see how they look.
If they look no bigger, or no more resin covered, or more ripe, then cut them.

If you do a partial harvest, pick out all the bud sites you want to take, and cut them all
at one time. Don't take a few today, then more tomorrow, ect..
You'll keep your plant in shock longer doing that and it may hermie on you.
Cut all the buds you plan on taking at one time so your plants only have to recover from the shock once,
then they will continue growing.
Will do my friend! I appreciate your advice and I know you've actually practiced what your preaching....Thanks Bro.

hey Mauler your lady is doing fanastic !! with beautiful frosty buds, and interesting about ripen started lower :)
Thanks Izoc. I snuck in and turned the HPS off a few minutes early and took some more pictures....Gonna post them in a little bit. Stay tuned!:leaf:


Active Member
usually mature from top down but sometimes when you have huge top colas they will take a bit longer ensuring that side arms will be mature first


Well-Known Member
ohh man its looking good with more frosty and start ripen up ! how long do you think it will ready for harvest ?


Well-Known Member
Damn they look good. One thought is you might got ph issues with the curvature on the leaves... not a big deal, just the only thing I could find that wasn't PERFECT. Oh, and a critique not on the growing skills, but your pics could be stepped up. The flash is so bright on the plants I can't see the detail all the way. Maybe try covering the flash a bit with your finger, or just back up when taking them, and crop the pic or zoom in. But yeah... excellent work my friend. And I'd still wait a while to cut anything. At least another week on the lower ones. At least. Am i repeating myself, lol.


Active Member
ohh man its looking good with more frosty and start ripen up ! how long do you think it will ready for harvest ?
With it definitely having sativa traits. I would say 2-3 weeks which will really fatten the colas up. They are big around as a 12 oz soda can and each branch is 24"+ long!! Hoping to yield 3-4 z's. What are your thoughts??


Active Member
i would say so its a sativa definitely a 9 to 10 week strain i would at least give them another 4 weeks or depending how you like your trichs


when taking pics, just set your camera on the "tungsten" setting to deal with the orange glow. also, get some nice maco setting pics.

looks like I'm about the same timing as you, as I'm 4.5 weeks since switching to 12/12.

My PPM are definitely lower (about 1200's as per the instructions of the DNF nutrient line), but you've got some nice dense buds!

I sometimes wonder if mine are thickening up enough, but just looking at a pic from last week shows huge filling in. Heres to a good harvest!!



Active Member
great crop there man!! rep+
Thanks man, It's definitely been an interesting ride to say the least!! Thanks for checking out the grow. Feel free to stay tuned for the rest of the grow.

usually mature from top down but sometimes when you have huge top colas they will take a bit longer ensuring that side arms will be mature first
Hey Cab, That's the kind of remarks I love to hear, "huge colas" :leaf:

Nice pics there brother :)
Thanks SB. Thanks to all the info, tips and tricks, "we all" had a hand in growing this!!:clap:

Damn they look good. One thought is you might got ph issues with the curvature on the leaves... not a big deal, just the only thing I could find that wasn't PERFECT. Oh, and a critique not on the growing skills, but your pics could be stepped up. The flash is so bright on the plants I can't see the detail all the way. Maybe try covering the flash a bit with your finger, or just back up when taking them, and crop the pic or zoom in. But yeah... excellent work my friend. And I'd still wait a while to cut anything. At least another week on the lower ones. At least. Am i repeating myself, lol.
Good morning Jig. Hmmmmm, PH? It's been like a rock at 5.7 through almost the entire grow. I did have early spiking issues in the first few weeks of veg. I actually have 2 Ph meters and they both read the same. So I don't believe it's a calibration issue. I will "try" and get better pictures, The tent is in an odd position in the room and I have to stretch a little to get where I want to photograph. Which leaves me teetering a bit, unfocused shots. I'm gonna play with the camera setting some today. Thanks for the input my friend!! :leaf:

i would say so its a sativa definitely a 9 to 10 week strain i would at least give them another 4 weeks or depending how you like your trichs
4 more weeks? Seems like a stretch with some of the pistils on the tops finally retracting into the calyx. But I guess we'll see. Thanks. :shock::shock:

when taking pics, just set your camera on the "tungsten" setting to deal with the orange glow. also, get some nice maco setting pics.

looks like I'm about the same timing as you, as I'm 4.5 weeks since switching to 12/12.

My PPM are definitely lower (about 1200's as per the instructions of the DNF nutrient line), but you've got some nice dense buds!

I sometimes wonder if mine are thickening up enough, but just looking at a pic from last week shows huge filling in. Heres to a good harvest!!

Thanks P007, I'll play wth the camera. If I wasn't so freaked about emailing shots of the plant from my cameron my phone. They are awesome 8MP picturess. I always heard there is a permanent recored of ALL, texts, and pictures sent via cell phones....Always great to hear a fresh, new perspective opinion.

Wow nice job!
Thank you Bro, Feel free to hang around for the second act!!:leaf:

mornin mate hows things pal..
Hey Kevin, how goes it, across the pond?? I was just responding back to some posts. 8:00 am here, time for lights on!!
This past Sunday, family picnic. I'm 55 yrs old, my parents youngest. I've been toking for over 40 yrs. Both parents are 85 and in ok health....for the most part. Out of the blue, My Mom says, "I can't wait till they legalize marijuana for medical use. Cause I'm gonna use it" I nearly spit my beer out of my nose. My teen daughters were having heart attacks laughing at "nannie" Huh?.....40 years ago, I got the "eyes up to the light" routine and she would smell my fingers for the weed odor. I was tempted to tell her that in 79, My old man fired up a bowl of hash with me. But thought better...I would love to see my Mom get toasted. I think she would definately benefit with her insomnia and Crones. My Mom wasn't born in the 60's or 70's like alot of todays young stoners Mom's. She was born in 1927, old school old!!
I learned the basics of growing from my Pop. He used to do indoor and out door. I can remember make runs to the field when I was just a little tike :) I even remember watching a photoshoot being done for High Times back in the lates 70's. Something with a fully in bloom female plant hanging upside down. Boy that was a long time ago, memories... bongsmilie:peace:

Awesome looking grow. That's 1 plant!?!? from Bag seed?!?! you are my hero if that's the case


Well-Known Member
With it definitely having sativa traits. I would say 2-3 weeks which will really fatten the colas up. They are big around as a 12 oz soda can and each branch is 24"+ long!! Hoping to yield 3-4 z's. What are your thoughts??
I think your one plant forest will net what you're hoping for.


Active Member
I learned the basics of growing from my Pop. He used to do indoor and out door. I can remember make runs to the field when I was just a little tike :) I even remember watching a photoshoot being done for High Times back in the lates 70's. Something with a fully in bloom female plant hanging upside down. Boy that was a long time ago, memories... bongsmilie:peace:

Awesome looking grow. That's 1 plant!?!? from Bag seed?!?! you are my hero if that's the case
That's an awesome story Smokey. I use to buy HT back in late summer of 1974, I was 17, and was probably one of thier original subscribers too!! The local head shop carried it and I remember buying their maiden first print. Had a chick about to eat a psilocybin shroom on the cover. I remember thinking how rightous it was for the counter culture to have our own magazine about getting high! And yes my friend, that was a bean found in the middle of a dust bunny in a drawer. I have no clue of the strain. And yea, it's 1 single plant. Vegged for a month under 2-90 watt triband LED's and even 10 days under the same lights into 12/12 until I got my HPS setup. I was extremely happy with the veg under the LED, Stalks are thick and the internodes were less than 1/2" between nodes, all the way up. For it leaning heavily sativa, the outside colas are "heavily" populated with buds that have created 24"+ buds! Ha, I'm so stoked.Like I mentioned earlier, smells like skunk, cat piss and and diesel, but stroke her love buds and she stinks of candy, sweet with a hint of diesel. WOOT!! :leaf:

I think your one plant forest will net what you're hoping for.
Hell to the yea!!! That's the encouragement this noob needs to hear. Thanks Bob!


Well-Known Member
With it definitely having sativa traits. I would say 2-3 weeks which will really fatten the colas up. They are big around as a 12 oz soda can and each branch is 24"+ long!! Hoping to yield 3-4 z's. What are your thoughts??
You might be looking at more than 3-4 im thinking close to half a lb