
Active Member
For some reason it bothers me that a man who is running for office in this great country of ours refuses to wear a flag pin. It's means alot to the men and women of this country who have served and protected this country for centuries. I happen to be one of those who have served and take it very personal. If Obama witnessed someone in the process of burning our flag would he attempt to put a stop to it or let it burn?

Don't get me wrong, I can't stand Mccain and will not vote for him. This is my first time in 53 years I have registered to vote because the last 8 years have been pure hell with the Bush administration and Mccain saying he would follow Bush policies makes me sick to think about it. I guess my problem arises when the democrats pick a nominee, if they pick Obama what do I do.

In the back of my mind, If Obama wins the election I will wonder if Obama is the Anti-Christ. I'm not a bible thumper or very religious but throughout life everyone at some time or other has heard of the Anti-Christ. He does have some of the qualities the Anti-Christ possess.

I'm just looking for your input and what you think?


Well-Known Member
if the flagis so damn important to you why havent you voted in 53 years shut up and stop crying. the flag of our country is a banner for a police type state at this moment. and when it stands for something proper i am sure that obama would where it,as far as a burning flag piss on it that is as close to any fire as you should get.. it is syill legal to burn flags and kick bibles.. everyone has these right up to our presidential hopefulls.obama said he would stop feds from busting care houses. ron paul will never make it and hilary is a seriously numb political figure head whos husbands drug czar put more pot users in jail than any other. burn flags and fuck pinsjust save our freedom obama.....ps i have been registered and active in voting since i was 18 ... 36 now....


Well-Known Member
the flag pin means NOTHING.:wall: look back at pictures of other people running for president before 9/11.... and you will find that MOST do not wear the pen at all. the end SHUT UP if you dont vote, you are a waste of space!

oh and on the flag burning thing
Texas v. Johnson is all that needs to be referred to
burn away!:hump:


Well-Known Member
at least he stands up for what he believes in. wouldn't it be worse if he wore the pin while still not believing in it?

i remember after 911 you couldn't find an American flag for sale anywhere in the US. the were all sold out. EVERYONE had to have a flag. where are they now? do you still wear your pin? we all have one somewhere. mines on my tray on my dresser. it hasn't been worn in years. why is this?


Well-Known Member
There are bigger issues as to why one should not vote for Obama IMHO. I wouldn't vote for the man, but I don't think he hates America. In fact, I'll go so far as to say he loves it as it has provided him the means to become one of the political elitists.


Well-Known Member
There are bigger issues as to why one should not vote for Obama IMHO. I wouldn't vote for the man, but I don't think he hates America. In fact, I'll go so far as to say he loves it as it has provided him the means to become one of the political elitists.
I was waiting for you to go on a tear about flag-burning and whether or not it should be Constitutionally restricted, which you KNOW I happen to disagree with vehemently. :twisted:

To the rest of you, carry on! :lol:


Active Member
I knew I would open a can of worms when I posted this thread and I can take the heat.

Your right I've never voted before this election because to me it really didn't matter to me who was president. Now it does matter because of the last 8 years of turmoil in this country. I've never condemed anyone who has voted in the past. I never had that right because I didn't vote before this.

By the way if you are a disabled vet such as myself the flag is sacred and is something I would die defending. I guess this is why the flag pin meant so much to me.


Active Member
Natrone23. How dare you attack my patriotism. I am a disabled vet who has defended this country and yes I do wear a pin.


Well-Known Member
Natrone23. How dare you attack my patriotism. I am a disabled vet who has defended this country and yes I do wear a pin.
Well I wear an American flag t-shirt, Am I more patriotic than you who doesn't even wear an american flag t-shirt


New Member
I used to be on flag duty. I had to raise and lower the flag over my base every morning and night. I guess that makes me the most patriotic on this site.


Well-Known Member
people without flag pins get shived were im from. he adressed this the other night. these are the kinds of things that political elections get ruined by.