Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, man I miss this place. Read a page or two...and looked at the pics, sigh, did I mention I miss this place? So the big question now is how does the federal government respond to colorado and washington? If the feds leave the states well enough alone and let the will of the people there be implemented, it's only a matter of time until other states follow the revenue trail from the tax dollars generated and finally the pot heads can openly come out of the closet and won't we all be stunned to find out just how many pot heads there really are in america.

Happy growing guys. My goal if I don't go to the big house is to move to colorado in a couple of years and garden in my retirement. Trial for the criminal is around the corner. First hearing is the fifteenth, I'm nervous as hell.
im pullin for you heads up.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. cof, I do have a good lawyer, she thinks I'll beat the criminal part and she also keeps telling me there is no way I'll lose my house but that is still up in the air. I'll believe it all when the house is mine again and i'm not sitting in prison and have no probation hanging over my head. Not to mention how a pot conviction can fuck up my life in other ways, like not being able to vote.

Thank you cof, you are a man of honor in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
Heads Up. Good to hear from you. I to was thinking about you the other day. I have a story to tell you that may lift your spirits a bit but I'll have to PM you. Do you still have the same email?


Well-Known Member
Ah fuck it, I'll tell it now.

Over two years ago, my brother in law and my sister, mostly my brother in law, were busted growing weed outdoors. Basically, a friend who my brother in law was helping out by showing him what he learned online, basically the same way we do, got caught and to get out of his jam he whore a wire to my sisters home looking for weed and offering to pay for it out of the norm. Needless to say they were busted and charged. Up until now I was looking at being in Amsterdam while they were at their first hearing and likely hearing sentences too, up until the other day when I learned that prosecuting attorneys are giving them both a deal with only short probation for both. You guys couldn't imagine the thought of my sister in prison, never mind the nicest brother in law a man could have, and this news is just so sweet for me right now. I've never said anything on here because of the sensitivity of it but I don't think I have to be too concerned/paranoid now.

Heads up, I hope that time has been on your side and that what is starting to happen has an affect on how people are thinking and that it will be the salvation you need right now.


Active Member
heads up, i relativly new to RIU but you have my best wishes in your case! I'm sure that the same feeling would be coming from all of us here infact. good luck sir!



Well-Known Member
I have a med card, but this is much better. This is basically my dream for nearly 30 years.

While it is not really legalization, it is a fucking great start.

Anyone over 21 can grow up to 6 mature plants in their home and keep all the buds they produce at home.
(You can only have an ounce in public and can not use it in public)

That is close enough.
It is also a big middle finger to the federal government.
The supreme court is being forced to hear arguments about taking marijuana off schedule one.

It is happening.

the healing of the nation...


Well-Known Member
OMG guys my fucking state just legalized go team!!!!! heres an update just because sorry for the double so soon but heres what those bitches look like shoved into my cab... good times!


Well-Known Member
What up guys! Everything is looking amazing in here ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :weed:

edit: Sahtiva I notice your clip fan is attached horizontally instead of vertically... how'd you do that? Another attachment?