AK-47 progress!

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Your definitely throwing up a deficiency as your lower leaves should not be turning that color with a plant that short under HID lighting. I would ask if your checking your PPM's to make sure you are giving them enough feed, or check the nutes and make sure your giving them the right dosage. Your PH seems to be fine cause the newer growth is looking pretty good.
really nice looking girl you have, makes me miss growing indoor. After you top, you should get rid of some of those fan leaves, and tie her down a bit and that will get your branches going. Go ahead and top since you have the gel and you are all set to do it anyway. That looks just like heat damage, I have never used a HID I only used CFL, and they were always 4 inches away, so I'm no help there. Do you have a fan or something circulating the air? I don't see one (I'm kinda stoned dont wanna go back and read again lol)
Thanks mikek420! Yeah I have 3 oscillating fans and there was no exhaust fan until today :) I have my lights about 2ft above my plant. Will see if the inline fan changes anything.
OK!!! It is day 39 and I have just done my first topping! I hope I did it right! Also I took the topped piece and set it up for cloning.

Here she is before topping...


This is the node I top at...


And after the topping...as you can see I think I messed up because I snipped a piece of leaf on the node branch, will this mess up the top???


And here is the clone...


Please let me know if you think I topped or cloned her incorrectly! I used rootech cloning gel and I used a lot! I will keep misting the clone as often as needed. Also I have been getting mixed answers from my research on how often to water the clone. Should I also be giving it extremely mild dosage of fertilizer? I bought Earth juice for micro nutrients and trace elements, should I add some of that to the clone when I feed the plants tomorrow? Thanks in advance for any help!!!

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Clipping that little leaf wont harm anything, but I would have gone down one more node to the larger Branches and clipped her there myself, but I am sure its just preference.

I would have also put the top in a root riot cube,, and you dont want to give them any nutes at this point, just PH'd water until they sprout a root, and since you seem to have put them right into soil, its gonna be hard to check them for roots.

You do want to keep the humidity up in the dome, and also keep the root zone warm, but dont want the clone soaking wet all the time. They will Pop Roots fastest this way.

Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with Rusty. Maybe up the nutes. I was having a bit of the same problem, but that was by design. I was holding back on the nutes a bit to keep that plants small till I can sex them. Once I have girls picked out I will go to a water-feed-feed-water routine and up my PPMs a little too. But regardless of your problem, your plants are looking really good. great job man...
Greetings Earthlings!

Well today is day 42, only 3 days after her first top. And I must say she responded better than I expected to the Earth Juice Microblast I gave her. I will also be showing pictures of some indica looking bagseed that just had a growth spurt out of nowhere, worthy of posting. My clone is looking nice and has not wilted yet!

Here is a nice view of her canopy now that she has been fed, topped:


As you can see those her leaves are starting to repair a little it seems. But the node growth is where the topping really shines. I also removed the lower old fan leaves so more light hits. Check out these branches!


And here are the new main nodes on top. I think she healed up quite nicely!


Ok now the bad news lol. In the next few pictures i will show you the leaf condition.


Her color has returned! I definitely made a mistake when I fed her though. I gave her the full blast of nutrients and micro nutrients, without taking into account that she is technically smaller now! There are some spots on her now that are consistent with nutrient lock up but when I look at the fast growing branches I just don't know. What do you fellows think? Could it just be that she is healing herself from her previous injuries?

Anyways here are some pictures of that indica looking bagseed! It is on its


And finally, the clones! I haven't enough knowledge to give a proper diagnostic but I believe that she is doing well.


Well there it is Earthlings! Your perspectives help a lot and I look forward to more insight :) When the lights go out I will be FINALLY removing the tin foil and spray painting the grow area white. This should significantly reduce the heat. Don't worry, I will wait hours for it to dry before I bleach the area and place her back in lol. Peace brothers and sisters!


Well-Known Member
Looking good :) I've always wanted to get true ak47 in my garden. done several hybrids of it, include GPD x ak47, blueberry headband x ak47, and cherry pie x ak47. All been great strains. Keep up the good work
Hey thanks a bunch papapayne! Your current garden is wonderful and very inspiring! I can tell you give a lot of love and care to your plants :)
Is this the stuff from Serious? How much of a stinker is she in veg so far?
LOL I am the wrong guy to be asking that. I am anosmic, meaning I can not perceive any smell. My wife, however, can smell and she said it was starting to smell a lot! I installed a DIY carbon filter to my new inline fan and the smell was abolished. I will post up some pictures later on of my reformed grow room :) Makes me sad though, my wife really enjoyed the smell of cannabis lol
Alright! Here is day 46! Exactly 7 days from her first top and also the end of week number 1 for the clone! The ak plant is branching a lot and the 2 new colas are developing nicely. The indica bagseed is continuing its growth spurt. And the clone is still standing!

First the canopy of the ak. She is starting to spread out really nice. I will be ready for LST pretty soon. Overall the tips of the leaves look hurt and bent down. I am worried because tomorrow is her feeding day.


A few pictures of her branches. They are growing insanely fast; a clear result of the topping. The branches seem really healthy to me but I have an untrained eye so if you guys see something let me know.


Here are the pictures of the new main colas and the topping scar. The colas are growing at a simular rate and very quickly.


Here are the pictures of the inidica type bagseed. It is growing very fast which makes me think it will be a male. But only time will tell. It is developing branches very nicely and overall it is becoming a very bushy plant!


And the clones! Don't really know what to think so I posted a lot of pictures for you to assist in a proper diagnosis, if any. I have been releasing the humidity dome for about 20 minutes everyday. I have not watered her once for the entire week, only because the top of the soil was still moist and spongy. I have been constantly misting the humidity dome and, on occasion, the clone. In my inexperienced opinion, she looks fine and by next week, I would like to see new growth


Well there it is Earthlings! Till next time!



Well-Known Member
Who's AK are you growing. i just finished one from Vision and pretty impressive. Strong heady smoke, great growth and big bud.

I grow in coco, hydro but changing to a coco/soil grow next time. Never had much luck with clones from small plants but (for me) i'd cut half that leaf growth back (ie loose the two fan leafs and cut the top leaves in half). I'd also consider ditching the humidity dome if the humidity is staying 50/60%+ .. that's just me, it may still go either way...

Remember it's the roots your trying to grow, they only need enough up top to trigger some growth under the soil. It may be a coco thing but I never had much success using a dome, corner of the grow room with good drainage & a drizzle of water/weak nutes now and then... leave it till it dies naturally or takes off- they can take a long time! All the best, mum's doing well.
Who's AK are you growing. i just finished one from Vision and pretty impressive. Strong heady smoke, great growth and big bud.

I grow in coco, hydro but changing to a coco/soil grow next time. Never had much luck with clones from small plants but (for me) i'd cut half that leaf growth back (ie loose the two fan leafs and cut the top leaves in half). I'd also consider ditching the humidity dome if the humidity is staying 50/60%+ .. that's just me, it may still go either way...

Remember it's the roots your trying to grow, they only need enough up top to trigger some growth under the soil. It may be a coco thing but I never had much success using a dome, corner of the grow room with good drainage & a drizzle of water/weak nutes now and then... leave it till it dies naturally or takes off- they can take a long time! All the best, mum's doing well.
Who's AK are you growing. i just finished one from Vision and pretty impressive. Strong heady smoke, great growth and big bud.

I grow in coco, hydro but changing to a coco/soil grow next time. Never had much luck with clones from small plants but (for me) i'd cut half that leaf growth back (ie loose the two fan leafs and cut the top leaves in half). I'd also consider ditching the humidity dome if the humidity is staying 50/60%+ .. that's just me, it may still go either way...

Remember it's the roots your trying to grow, they only need enough up top to trigger some growth under the soil. It may be a coco thing but I never had much success using a dome, corner of the grow room with good drainage & a drizzle of water/weak nutes now and then... leave it till it dies naturally or takes off- they can take a long time! All the best, mum's doing well.
I believe I am growing CBD ak but I do not really remember lol. I am thinking of removing the humidity dome after another week.
Just finished removing the aluminum foil from the walls and painted it flat white! I have to say, the room is a lot brighter and the temp dropped a decent amount. I was able to bring my lights lower to 18". I have also installed an exhaust fan and put it near the top of the plant to take the heat away. Not working too well as I do not have a means to push the air outside the house of in the attic so I just face the ducting as far away from the grow area as possible, facing it towards the a/c vent.


A couple of pics of the plants and how the light penetrates better.


I am no expert but I will NEVER use aluminum foil again. It is too dark and besides, I'm not BBQing over here lol


Well-Known Member
I should have noticed and commented on that...

Yeah, foil is not recommended. It can make hot spots as well.

Flat white is better.

Good work.

I should have noticed and commented on that...

Yeah, foil is not recommended. It can make hot spots as well.

Flat white is better.

Good work.

Yeah man the foil seems so inefficient now! The rate the plants are growing has improved drastically as you will see in tomorrow's update :D