Recent content by 123grow

  1. 123grow

    Radical ideas; Some are just that, others could be beneficial

    Yeah I imagine something to that effect. Though I also wouldn't pay a price like that. Personally I would just rather convert some junk electronic device into a sub/super sonic wave generator with scraps. A learning experience AND cost effective. And the book I read was called Transcending the...
  2. 123grow

    Radical ideas; Some are just that, others could be beneficial

    What's up guys. Haven't been on here for sooooo long! When are they going to change the main page and put some new stories? Jack Herrer was a great guy and all, and ole' Cheech and Chong will forever inhabit my movie collection, but come on. Current events please!! Anyways, back to the point. I...
  3. 123grow

    So close with the parents

    I've just been trying for ages now to convince my parents of the joys and benefits or marijuana. My mom is a possible M.S. patient (I say possibly because people who know the disease would know its many complications in diagnoses) and my dad suffers from bad arthritis from years of work. They're...
  4. 123grow

    What Do You Believe?

    I read the first few replies to this post. Then I decided that the only way for me to post my own opinion, uninfluenced by anyone else on here, is to skip what everyone else has said and just post it. So sorry if I'm beating an old path here. I'm not religious. So I can't say I know all the...
  5. 123grow

    A story of survival part 1:

    Quite exhilarating to find such an undiscovered grow in the most unlikely of places. But the shock and awe of such a miracle was only allowed precious moments. They could not stay where they were. They needed to be moved... FAST! Our situation was this: 12 plants, growing randomly, yet closely...
  6. 123grow

    A story of survival part 1:

    So where should I begin? Typical "dark, stormy night..." approach? I hardly think that would do this justice. As a prelude, I'm an avid marijuana ENTHUSIAST but not a grower. I don't have a place nor the resources of my own to grow. But I shall, one day. So it was not without a pleasant...
  7. 123grow

    ~~MYGIRLS 2010 outdoor grow~~

    Love it man. Count me in; i'll be the guy in the back with the slightly bewildered look on his face. hahah great plants. good luck on everything, from weed to work and everything else
  8. 123grow

    Small closet grow two plants in MG organic soil already flowering:p

    Hell ya! That's pretty strappin man, 42 grams congratts on that pull. I'll be wayy excited for this ICE grow.
  9. 123grow

    Small closet grow two plants in MG organic soil already flowering:p

    Best of luck on all your growing endeavors. I'll be around just in case there is something I can lend my advice towards. Keep us updated!
  10. 123grow

    Small closet grow two plants in MG organic soil already flowering:p

    I'm not too sure... don't be trying anything too outrageous, like adding purple dye to your soil =P Someone explained it well to me once... "Think of someone who holds their breath. Hold it for too long, and you'll eventually start turning blue. Whenever you drop the temperatures of your plants...
  11. 123grow

    Ways to Increase yield

    Ok. I've heard a few things. UVB lights sound interesting to me, due to the actual science behind it. I'll be looking forward to trying that. Molasses and (sugar?) have been tried and held true. As far as growing techniques: LST is in fact a low stress training - I know if someone wanted me to...
  12. 123grow

    Small closet grow two plants in MG organic soil already flowering:p

    Hey man. Budgeted Miracle grower here too (or at least soon) Plants are looking sexy man. Nice work. as for the plant outside, I would imagine it's probably not the best thing, switching it from the 12-12 you had inside to the whatever it's getting outside right now. It might stress out and...
  13. 123grow

    184 watt CFL stealth "T.V." Cabnet Grow

    I'll be starting, hopefully very soon, my first grow. :leaf: This will be the journal so long as the traffic to/ comments on continue throughout. I love advice, praise, criticism, and anything you feel is worth mentioning. :clap: There'll be NO hateful remarks, racism, slander, or negativity...
  14. 123grow

    Best method; Need creative suggestions

    So i'm working with a stealth, 25x20x10 cabinet. CFL all the way. - 6 26w 2700k - 2 26w 6500k The layout for the lights is as follows: All 2700k lights over head, in groups of three; one sticking down from the light fixture, and 2 linear coming from the sides. There'll be two light fixtures...
  15. 123grow

    Blue Cheese, Blue Hash pc grow

    And how far are your lights from the plants?