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  • hey bro where would the white pistons start to show?
    i think i see something on my plants like right by the stem where the new nodes were growing.
    now i se some like white looking things kinda like pistons im not sure thou
    ey i was woundering if the smell of the plant will make a difference i got 2 that smelll really skunky and 2 that smell like normal.
    Hope all is coming along well. So your largest plant could be a purple power, you say? They're certainly some huge gals. Mine are now taking a turn in the direction from green to lavender. Once again; nice work.
    Hey, I finally found you.. I could find you one the member list but oh well. I just wanted to say thanks for the rep. MEans a lot to be appretiated
    hey bro do you know how to make an indoor grow with like 2 and half feet of height and 1 and half of wide.
    like i need to bring my plants in soon cause my mom is getting annoyed since their not that small anymore.
    like what do i need in that place to grow lights, fan, clean area. what else?
    Just another idiot trying to make a name for expensive products that came from nature anyway.
    there is wild hemp growing in my area that looks just like ur plants, not saying ur plants are bad, just saying u need to give them REAL nutes. and ur piss will hardly sustain the growth of REAL buds. sorry man, just the facts.
    yo i got bad news my last 4 plants are drying up very fast. i put like half a water bottle of water n it dried up.
    my bottom leafs are all turning yellow.
    hey buddy hows it going man? sounds great !!! what manure ??? the carcases?? got some fresh picks of my autos gona post soon there flyin now!! mad how fast they grow at man!! 1 is day 19 white hairs startin!!!! got much planed for the day??? of to roll a spliff back very soon !! peace
    hey dude whats happenin man??? been lookin at your pics again great plants they are ! is that 1 plant your stood infront of?? or more than 1 ? you should stick a lot more in that ground is it your land???
    yeah i just uprooted all my plants and their roots were like coiling around the bottom of the pot.
    so i sacrificed 2 plants for the other 4 can have more dirt.
    i was also wondering how to keep them short?
    is the only way to top or FIM?
    how does topping work after the first time?
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