Recent content by amnesiahaze15

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    Anyone in Fla getting some good stuff?
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    My Grandma Got Raided
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    My Grandma Got Raided

    u didn't get it...... I know its two.
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    My Grandma Got Raided

    One word................murder-suicide!!! lmao!
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    My Grandma Got Raided

    I just told off my grandfather because he is a scared ass bitch. "Why don't you get some credit cards and some personal loans before you go so you can spend some money"? He says "ohh I cant do that if I cant pay it back. I don't have money" WTF! Who gives a flying fuck you cant pay! That's...
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    My Grandma Got Raided

    lmao. Fucking old people make me sick. They should all be taking the rap for some one that is younger than them so only old people stay in jail. They complain about pain and the fact that they have no one to help them out is ridiculous. They should have thought about that when they were younger.
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    Florida 2014 Vote YES on 2!!!

    I would like to know what John Morgan plans to do after medical is passed. Will he fight for full legalization? Home grows? Decriminalization?
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    Florida 2014 Vote YES on 2!!!

    I really don't think I could stand to be in Florida while the rest of the nation moves forward with Marijuana.
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    F*ck banks

    ^^Im guessing you don't look like minorities. Just a guess.
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    F*ck banks

    I cant stand banks either and I understand that they are crooks but I also know this, don't hate the player hate the game. These days most people need leverage in order to get things in life. Using other peoples money is the secret of the rich. The rich don't use their money, if they did they...
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    Florida 2014 Vote YES on 2!!!

    If it doesn't pass im moving out of Florida.
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    Weeds growing over my weeds in Florida

    YES ON 2! I wonder when we will know the results. I hope the same night. Its gonna be a big smoke party.
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    Florida pick up thread

    LOL. The title works in other forums! I guess cuz I don't have my own pics yet.
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    fuck child support fuck the members fucking up this thread by not posting "fuck" first (lol) fuck prohibition fuck dirty cops
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    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

    First, beautiful plants you have there. I know someone that lives in Malaga, Spain. Cant get in contact with her though. Nice work. Ill be lurking around.....